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How to view AliCloud account ID (aliyunUid)

AliCloud account ID It is the unique identity information of each AliCloud account. Sometimes we need to provide the AliCloud account ID to operate something. Usually, you can log in to Alibaba Cloud by email, member name, account ID and other ways. In fact, most people log in through email, Taobao account, Alipay account and other shortcuts. Few people log in with an account ID (not easy to remember), and some people do not know their Alibaba Cloud account ID. Next, we will share how to view the Alibaba Cloud account ID.

How to view AliCloud account ID

1. Click Log in to Alibaba Cloud official website (Get the voucher), click the user's avatar in the upper right corner, and the account menu will pop up, where you can see the login mailbox and account ID.

 How to view AliCloud account ID

And there is a copy button behind the login account and account ID, which is convenient for everyone to copy quickly.

2. The AliCloud website is occasionally revised. If you can't see the account ID display here later, you can click the avatar in the above figure to jump to the page.
Click the "Basic Information" tab as shown in the figure below, and you will see the same login account and account ID information on the right.

 AliCloud login account and account ID
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Article name: How to View AliCloud Account ID (aliyunUid)
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25889.html
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