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WordPress cleans database/cache/cleans/compresses plug-in WP Optimize

WP Optimize plug-in It is a multifunctional WordPress performance plug-in that can clean up databases, compress images, cache websites, and compress css and js. The Weiss Notes were introduced many years ago WP Optimize Plug in Installation and Use Tutorial At that time, the only function was to optimize the database. Several functions have been integrated, including some functions of the cache plug-in. Therefore, Lao Wei felt that it was necessary to introduce this plug-in again according to the current functions.

 WP Optimize plug-in WordPress cleans database/cache/cleans/compresses

WP Optimize plug-in function

 WP Optimize plug-in function
  • Clean and optimize database
  • Compressed image
  • Cache pages to achieve ultrafast loading
  • Shrink and asynchronous (deferred) CSS and JavaScript

WP Optimize Plug in Installation Enable

In WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search WP Optimize, install and enable it.

 WP Optimize Plug in Installation Enable

If you can't install and enable it normally, you can manually download the installation package from the WordPress official website, ftp upload it to the website plug-in directory, and then return to WordPress to enable it in the background. Don't know how to operate, please check How to install the wordpress plug-in

WP Optimize plug-in settings

The functions mentioned above are introduced in turn.

Before using the WP Optimize plug-in for optimization, Lao Wei suggested using UpdraftPlus plug-in backup website and database These two plug-ins were developed by the same team. Before optimization, WP Optimize can immediately trigger the automatic backup of UpdraftPlus, so you have the opportunity to undo your changes.

The WP Optimize plug-in has almost achieved 100% Chinese culture, which is convenient for us to set.

1. Clean and optimize database

It includes optimization, table and setting. Optimization is the initial function of the WP Optimize plug-in. The function with exclamation mark should be checked carefully. In rare cases, the data may be damaged. It is recommended to back it up before optimization.

The general settings can retain the data of recent weeks and times, and can also set the scheduled regular cleaning settings.

You can use the table tab here to clean up redundant database tables. For example, on one occasion, Lao Wei cleaned up the residual information of a plug-in, with a large number. For those who don't understand, please read How to use WP Optimize to delete redundant tables in the database What Lao Wei wants to remind us is that manually cleaning database table information is a dangerous operation. Please Back up the database in advance Operate again.

2. Compressed image

Automatically compress the newly uploaded image and display the compressed meta box on the media page.

You can select the compression method or customize it.

 WP Optimize plug-in compressed image

3. Page Cache

After page caching is enabled, you can set the caching cycle, preload, and so on.

 WP Optimize plug-in page cache

4. Compress css/js/html

Compress JavaScript/CSS/HTML/fonts. This function and Wp rocket plug-in The corresponding functions of are almost the same and very powerful.

If there are errors in accessing the front page of the website after enabling, remember to uncheck one by one here and try to access again.

 WP Optimize plug-in compression css/js/html

Compression can greatly reduce the number of file requests and file size, and greatly improve the speed of website opening and access.

Weiss summary

The current WP Optimize plug-in is very powerful, which is equivalent to the implementation of some functions of the cache plug-in. In addition to regularly cleaning and optimizing the database, it can also speed up the website.

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Article name: WordPress Clean Database/Cache/Clean/Compression Plug in WP Optimize
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25813.html
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