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2021 Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud 618 greatly promotes enterprise server configuration and price

2021 Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud 618 has launched cost-effective enterprise servers and many cloud products. During the promotional activities, enterprise servers configured with the same configuration are cheaper and more cost-effective than personal servers.

1. 2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 promotes enterprise servers

Click Direct Alibaba Cloud 618 Cloud Product Venue , as shown in the figure above, select the enterprise exclusive zone.

  • Alibaba Cloud ECS shared s6 server, with a 100% performance baseline, has strong performance and high cost performance, and is widely applicable to lightweight applications such as website construction. One core 2G1M, only 99 yuan/year, 297 yuan/year. Two core 4G1M, only 244.92 yuan/year, 565.2 yuan/year. Two core 8G1M, only 338.52 yuan/year, 781.2/3 years.
  • ECS computing c5 servers are suitable for enterprise common business scenarios such as Web servers, advertising, games, etc., including 2-core 4G, 2-core 8G, 4-core 8G, 8-core 16G, etc.
  • Computational c6a server uses AMD CPU, which is suitable for computing intensive applications with low memory capacity requirements. Including 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, etc.
  • The ratio of CPU and memory of the computational c6 server is 1:2, and the performance is comprehensively upgraded, including 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, 8-core 16G, etc.
  • The CPU and memory ratio of the general-purpose g6 server is 1:4, and the performance is comprehensively improved, including 2-core 8G, 4-core 16G, 8-core 32G, etc.
  • The storage, network performance and computing stability of the computing balance enhanced c6e server have been greatly improved. Including 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, 8-core 16G, etc.
  • Domestic SMS package, cloud company/individual business registration, trademark intelligent registration application, number authentication service package, [template building] cloud · quick beauty station, [designer customization] cloud · enterprise website.
  • Fortress machine, cloud firewall, database audit, data security center, game shield, advanced DDoS defense (new BGP), web application firewall resource package

2. Tencent Cloud 618 Enterprise Server

Click Direct Tencent Cloud 618 Enterprise Zone , as shown in the above figure. There is a Tencent cloud standard s5 server,

  • Region: Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing
  • Specification: 2-core 4G, 2-core 8G, 4-core 8G, 8-core 16G, 16 core 32G
  • Bandwidth: 1M, 3M, 5M, 10M
  • Duration: 1 year (12% off), 3 years (10% off)

Lightweight application server (mainland): 2-core 4G6M, 4-core 8G8M, 4-core 16G10M
Region: Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing/Chengdu
Duration: 1 year (25% off), 3 years (2.2% off)

Lightweight application server (overseas): 1-core 1G30M (Windows), 1-core 1G30M (Linux), 1-core 2G30M (Windows)
Region: Hong Kong, China/Singapore/Silicon Valley
Duration: 1 year (6.2% off), 3 years (6.2% off)
Note: The operating system of overseas servers cannot be replaced after purchase (Windows and Linux cannot be replaced), please choose carefully.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

3. How to Select Enterprise Servers in 618

For the 618 year promotion, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud have both provided high-quality cloud servers to feed back users. Alibaba Cloud obviously has more ECS specifications to choose from. Choose the appropriate ECS configuration according to your business situation. Although Tencent Cloud has only one cloud server and several lightweight application servers, the configuration is sufficient and can fully meet the business needs of users.

The performance gap between Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud enterprise servers is not large. You can buy whichever is cheaper and whichever is more cost-effective.

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Article name: 2021 Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud 618 Promote Enterprise Server Configuration and Price
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25762.html
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