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Details of recommended cloud products for the 2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 Pop up Event

2021 AliCloud 618 In the middle of the year, the main cloud servers and cloud products are in the "Explosives · Seckill" zone, and this part of the activity is very preferential. The price of the shared n4 cloud server with 100% CPU performance, 1-core 2G Seckill, is only 59.9 yuan/year, and the shared S6 cloud server, 2-core 4G configuration, is only 209.9 yuan/year, which is extremely cost-effective. Wei Aisi's notes share the details of relevant activities for your reference, and how to buy Alibaba Cloud products that are more suitable for you.

1. 2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 Best Buy Seckill recommends buying cloud products

 2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 Best Buy Seckill recommends buying cloud products

From the above figure, it is found that the ECS shared n4 ECS is the first ECS to be snapped up every time starting at 10 a.m. So you should remember to open Alibaba Cloud 618 activity page in advance to rush to buy. Generally, Mr. Wei suggests that you choose ECS+cdn+object storage cos to build a website, so that the website can be faster.

The following is a list of cloud products recommended for purchase by the popular product · seckill zone:

  • ECS shared n4: 1 core 2G, 59.9 yuan/year;
  • ECS shared s6: 2-core 4G, 209.9 yuan/year;
  • ECS shared s6: 4-core 8G, 369.9 yuan/year;
  • Object storage OSS: standard storage package 100GB, 3.3 yuan/month;
  • Cloud resolution DNS: personal version 1 year, 9.9 yuan/year;
  • RDS MySQL: basic version, 1-core, 1G, 6.18 yuan/year;
  • One year term of domestic SMS package: 5000 pieces, 165 yuan/year;
  • Email push: 50000, 45 yuan/6 months;

There is no cdn here. You can buy it in the "Hot Cloud Products" section below the activity page.

2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 Explosives Secondkill Activity Rules

  • 1. Time: from June 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, from 10:00 to 24:00 every day
  • 2. Rules of activity: The second kill activity is divided into four sessions, the first (from June 1 to June 7, 10:00 to 24:00 every day), the second (from June 8 to June 15, 10:00 to 24:00 every day), the third (from June 16 to June 22, 10:00 to 24:00 every day), and the fourth (from June 23 to June 30, 10:00 to 24:00 every day). The products are different for each session.
  • The quantity of seckill commodities is limited every day. After selling out, the daily price will be restored without seckill. The price of seckill activities will be enjoyed after the inventory is updated at 10 am the next day.
  • Coupons are not supported for seckill products.
  • No refund is supported after purchasing seckill products.

Alibaba Cloud 618 Active Server Purchase Suggestions

For personal blogs and small websites, choose the ECS shared n4 server 1-core 2G configuration; for enterprise websites and medium-sized websites, choose the ECS shared s6 server 2-core 4G configuration; for large websites, applets and apps, choose the ECS shared s6 server 4-core 8G configuration.

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Article name: "Details of Recommended Cloud Products for the 2021 Alibaba Cloud 618 Instant Selling Campaign"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25695.html
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