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Three ways to set WordPress top articles

We have three methods Set WordPress top articles WordPress articles are sorted by publishing time by default. Sometimes for various purposes, we need to top one or more articles (first in the blog article list). No matter how we update the articles later, the ranking of the top articles will not be affected. How to set WordPress top articles for Weieis note sharing.

1. Classic Editor

The classic editor commonly used by many people is very simple.

Open an article editing page, click "Edit" in the "Publish" area on the right, find "Publish", check "Place the article at the top of the home page", and then click "OK".

Finally, remember to save the article.

 Classic editor settings WordPress top articles

2. Gutenberg Editor

On the editing status page of Gutenberg editor, switch to the "Article" block on the right, check "Top in Blog", and click the "Update" button on the upper right corner.

 Gutenberg editor settings WordPress top articles

3. Set article top in article list

The faster and more direct way than the above two methods is to set the top in the article list, which can also be operated in batches.

Open the background article list and find the article to be topped. You can select one or multiple articles in batch. First, select a single article.

Click "Quick Edit" in the figure below.

 Set article top in article list

Check the "Top article" and click the "Update" button.

 Check the "Top article" and click the "Update" button

If there are multiple articles to be topped, check them in batch first, select Edit in Batch Operation, and click Apply.

Select "Top" on the right and click the "Update" button.

 If there are multiple articles to be topped, check them in batch first
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Article name: Three Ways to Set WordPress Top Article
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25675.html
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