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How to add nofollow tag to WordPress navigation menu

to WordPress navigation menu add nofollow It is the navigation menu function that comes with WordPress. In this article, Weiss Notes shares how to set a new page of WordPress navigation menu to open and set nofollow.

Several points to note when adding nofollow tags

1. Generally speaking, we will add nofollow tags to off-site links. For example, Wei Aisi's notes put out of site links and out of site domain names outside of www.vpss.net in the navigation menu. In order to avoid weight loss, he will add the nofollow tag and tell the search engine not to follow the link.

2. If it is an in station link, it should be analyzed according to the specific situation. For example, we put a jump link in the navigation menu, and the jump target is outside the station; There are also a few cases where you don't want to be crawled and indexed. Old Wei also suggests that you add the nofollow tag, for the same reason as above.

3. If the navigation menu is all intra site links, it is generally not recommended to add nofollow tags, which is conducive to the search engine to grab as much content as possible from the site.

Add nofollow tag to WordPress navigation menu

1. Check the display option

Enter the WordPress background, Appearance>menu, click the small arrow in the upper right corner to expand the display options, and check the link relationship (XFN).

 Check the display option in the WordPress navigation menu

2. Add nofollow tag

Find the menu to add a label, click the small arrow to expand the settings, and fill in nofollow in the link relationship (XFN).

 Add nofollow tag

3. Save Menu

The most critical step is to click the "Save Menu" in the lower right corner. The reason why many novice students fail to take effect after setting is that they have not saved.

4. Go to the foreground page to check the source code. If there is rel="nofollow" content, the setting is successful.

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Article name: How to add nofollow tag to WordPress navigation menu
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25671.html
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