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Where is the fixed link of Gutenberg editor?

Gutenberg editor fixed link On the right side of the editing area. Compared with the classic editor, the layout and style of Gutenberg editor have changed a lot, and the webmaster who has just contacted does not know where the fixed link is. Because the Gutenberg editor is often updated and upgraded, Old Wei found that the previous name, function, and location have changed from those of today, so he would like to share the fixed link location of the current Gutenberg editor.

1. When you create a new article or edit an article in WordPress, you will see the Fixed Link option on the right side of the editing area, as shown in the following figure, which is visible by default.

 When you create a new article or edit an article in WordPress, you will see the "Fixed Link" option on the right side of the editing area

2. If you can't see "Fixed Link" on the right side of the editing area, follow the steps below to add it.

Click the three vertical points in the upper right corner of the editing area, and click "Preferences" below.

 Click the three vertical points in the upper right corner of the editing area, and click "Preferences" below.

Open "Fixed Link".

 Open "Fixed Link"

3. It is recommended to select a custom structure for WordPress's fixed link mode, where/% postname%. html or/% post_id%. html are common. The former is in English or Pinyin format, such as https://www.vpsss.net/series The latter is the article ID structure, such as https://www.vpsss.net/25585.html (above).

 It is recommended to select custom structure for WordPress fixed link mode

4. If you choose the custom structure/% postname%. html format, as shown in the following figure, you can modify the URL alias address of the article in the Gutenberg editor.

 You can modify the URL alias address of the article in the Gutenberg editor

5. Summary

The fixed link of Gutenberg Editor is displayed on the right side of the editing area. If the fixed link is set to/% post_id%/, the article ID cannot be modified, while/% postname%/is the URL alias, it can be modified manually.

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Article name: Where is the fixed link of Gutenberg Editor
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25585.html
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