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How much is Tencent Cloud's lightweight worry free plan?

How much is Tencent Cloud's lightweight worry free plan At present, Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan has two server configurations, and the price is different due to different configurations. Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan Provide cost-effective Tencent Cloud lightweight application server , including 1 core 2G memory 4M bandwidth and 2 core 4G memory 6M bandwidth. Next, Weieisi's notes share the prices of these two lightweight servers of Tencent Cloud's lightweight worry free plan.

 Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan, new and old users enjoy the same renewal for life at the same price

1. First, you need to click Go Activity page of Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan , participate in activities and obtain activity links, and seek help from others through social media and various channels. In fact, you can get the qualification of Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan by clicking on a connection once and gathering five people.

2. Then refresh the activity page and you will see the configuration and price list as shown below.

 Lao Wei obtained Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free instance qualification

  • One core, 2G memory, 4M bandwidth, 500G monthly traffic, 50G system disk SSD, 90 yuan/June, 180 yuan/year;
  • 2-core 4G memory 6M bandwidth, monthly traffic 1200G, system disk SSD 80G, 336 yuan/June, 672 yuan/year;
  • Take 180 yuan/year as an example (another 30 yuan is deducted from the order), the actual payment is 150 yuan/year, and the later renewal is 180 yuan/year for life;
  • For more information go to Lightweight worry free plan activity page see.

You can also help others to get a coupon of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server ranging from 10 yuan to 100 yuan for lightweight server renewal. Take the 180 yuan/year renewal purchased by Lao Wei above as an example. If Lao Wei gets a coupon of 100 yuan, the actual renewal in the second year is only 80 yuan.

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To sum up How much is Tencent Cloud's lightweight worry free plan In the case of one core, 2G memory, 4M configuration, the first year purchase is 180 yuan (order minus 30 yuan), and the actual first year payment is 150 yuan. To help others, you can also get a lightweight server voucher of 10~100 yuan for renewal in the second year. The actual fee for the second year is 80 yuan (180~100 yuan). The total fee for two years is 150+80=230 yuan.

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Article name: How much is Tencent Cloud's lightweight worry free plan
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25483.html
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