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WordPress Watermark Plug in Easy Watermark

Easy Watermark plug-in It's a WordPress Watermark Plug in , used to add a watermark to the pictures uploaded from the WordPress media library. Easy Watermark is a lightweight plug-in that can easily place watermarks on selected jpg, png, gif files. When the watermark is placed on png and gif images, the transparency can be completely controlled.

There are many WordPress watermark plug-ins, but many of them have not been updated for many years. So Lao Wei selected this plug-in that has been updated to share with you.

This plug-in can set the transparency of 0-100%, and use both text watermark and image watermark on one image. It can control the position and size, and can also be applied to media pictures independently.

Features of Easy Watermark plug-in

  • Image watermark can be JPG, PNG or GIF
  • Fully supports transparency and alpha channels in PNG and GIF files
  • JPG and GIF files and text can be set with opacity (from 0 to 100%)
  • Creating text watermark with ttf font
  • Set text color, size and rotation
  • Watermark all built-in image sizes (thumbnail, medium, large and full size), as well as all other size watermarks that can be registered through themes or plug-ins
  • Plug in can create image backups and restore backups

Easy Watermark plug-in installation enabled

In the WordPress background, click Plug in>Install Plug in, search for Easy Watermark, install and enable it.

 Easy Watermark plug-in installation enabled

If the installation fails, go to the WordPress official website to download it locally, upload it to the server's plug-in directory, and then go to the WordPress background to enable it.

Easy Watermark plug-in settings

The default English interface can be used Google browser translation function Assist in understanding.

1. Enter Easy Watermark settings in the tools in the WordPress background.

As shown in the figure below, the default setting value does not need to be changed.

 Easy Watermark plug-in settings 2. Add watermark

Click the watermark to add a new one

 Add watermark

It is divided into text watermark and image watermark. Here we take text watermark as an example.

  • Start with a name, and then manually enter the watermark content to be added at the watermark location, such as www.vpsss.net, or "placeholder" on the right
  • Click different placeholder codes to fill in the watermark box. For example, click% user_login% to copy automatically, and then paste them in the watermark box. The watermark of the user name of the WordPress webmaster will be added to the image.

Text options include font, color, size, angle, and opacity. Try changing parameters more often, and upload a picture on the right side of the page to see the effect in real time.

Next is the watermark position and offset.

The position is in the shape of a nine square grid. Select any grid and different X/Y axis offsets. See the real-time effect adjustment on the right side.

 Watermark position and offset

The rest of the rules can be defaulted and do not need to be changed.

Save in the upper right corner after setting.

The difference between image watermark and text watermark is that the image needs to be uploaded, and the opacity parameter can only be used for gif and jpg images. Set the scale.

3. Batch Watermarking and Recovery Backup

After making a watermark, set it as batch watermark in the tool. After use, the watermark can be quickly applied to all images in the media library.

 Batch Watermarking and Recovery Backup

When a watermark is added to a picture, the corresponding picture is automatically backed up. The recovery backup is to restore the watermark free state of the picture, that is, use the backup to cover the watermarked picture.

Use of Easy Watermark plug-in

With the help of this plugin, you have 5 ways to add watermarks to images.

1. The Auto Watermark function of the page when creating a new watermark. If checked, the watermark will be automatically added when uploading a picture.

2. Add watermarks to all pictures in the media library. As shown in the figure above, select the appropriate watermark from the batch watermark of the tool and click the "Start" button.

3. Watermark selection function in the media library. If you want to select some pictures in the media library to apply watermark, enter the media library in the background of WordPress, select the target pictures, and click the "Batch Select" button.

After selecting the target images in sequence, click the "watermark selected" button to batch process some images to be watermarked. If you want to delete the watermark, click the "restore original images" button to restore the image backup in batch.

 After selecting the target pictures in sequence, click the "watermark selected" button

4. When uploading pictures in the media library, you can choose whether to add watermark automatically, as shown in the following figure.

 When uploading pictures in the media library, you can choose whether to add watermark automatically

5. Watermark a single image

If you want to watermark only one picture, open it in the Media Library, and click the picture to view it in the Attachment Details window. Click the "Edit more details" link in the lower right corner to access the watermark options.

See the watermark option on the right side of the page, and click Apply to add a watermark.

 See the watermark option on the right side of the page, and click Apply to add a watermark

If the image has been watermarked with the Easy Watermark plug-in, the same tab will display the option to restore the original image (without watermark).

Easy Watermark plug-in is easy to use, but it does not support Chinese text watermark. But you can add Chinese to the image watermark, so you can add Chinese text watermark indirectly. The advantage is that you can add watermarks in batches, and automatically back up the original pictures. If necessary, you can restore the picture backup.

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Article name: WordPress Watermark Plug in Easy Watermark
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25419.html
Copyright notice: The resources of this website are only for personal learning and exchange, and are not allowed to be reproduced and used for commercial purposes, otherwise, legal issues will be borne by yourself.
The copyright of the pictures belongs to their respective creators, and the picture watermark is for the purpose of preventing unscrupulous people from stealing the fruits of labor.