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AliCloud member points can be exchanged for AliCloud vouchers for new purchase/general use/renewal, etc

Because of business adjustment Alibaba Cloud member points The business is about to go offline. If you have points available in your account, Lao Wei suggests that you redeem them into Alibaba Cloud vouchers for new purchase/general use/renewal in time to save money.

 AliCloud member points can be exchanged for AliCloud vouchers for new purchase/general use/renewal, etc

1. The contents of the notice are as follows:

Click Direct AliCloud member page , redeem the benefits you can get on the Spend Points page.

The exchange deadline is May 15, 2021. At that time, all unused points in the account will be cleared.

As shown in the figure above, Lao Wei's Alibaba Cloud membership points were 10118 points, all of which were obtained by purchasing Alibaba Cloud products, reading documents, etc.

2. Alibaba Cloud member points can be redeemed

The types of AliCloud vouchers that can be redeemed by AliCloud member points can be used for new purchase, general use and renewal.

  • As shown in the figure below, Alibaba Cloud's newly purchased vouchers are 50 yuan, 20 yuan, 10 yuan and 5 yuan;
  • AliCloud product general voucher 500 minus 502000 minus 200;
  • AliCloud renewal coupon is 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan.

Lao Wei considered exchanging general vouchers or renewal vouchers to renew AliCloud products or purchase other cloud products. He could save tens to hundreds of yuan, which is a real savings.


1. New vouchers purchased by Alibaba Cloud:
  • Quantity description: limited redemption per day, 20 per member per day. Only for this account;
  • Exchange instructions: 50 yuan voucher, only for new purchase of cloud products;
  • Instructions for use: no threshold for use;
  • Other notes: vouchers are only for AliCloud products on the official website of AliCloud: such as ECS, RDS, OSS and other products, excluding domain names, hosts and website products;

2. Cloud product general voucher

  • Quantity description: limited redemption, limited to 1 per member. Only for this account, please note that users who have obtained this voucher from other channels of the 2020 Yunqi Conference cannot redeem it;
  • Redemption instructions: 50 will be deducted from 500, only for new purchase and upgrade orders of official website products (excluding domain names, hosts, website products);
  • Instructions: valid within 10 days after exchange;
  • Other notes: vouchers are only for AliCloud products on the official website of AliCloud: such as ECS, RDS, OSS and other products, excluding domain names, hosts and website products;

3. AliCloud renewal voucher

  • Quantity description: limited redemption per day, 20 per member per day. Only for this account;
  • Redemption instructions: 10 yuan voucher, only for the renewal of cloud products;
  • Instructions for use: no threshold for use;
  • Other notes: vouchers are only for AliCloud products on the official website of AliCloud: such as ECS, RDS, OSS and other products, excluding domain names, hosts and website products;
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Article name: AliCloud member points can be exchanged for AliCloud vouchers for new purchase/general use/renewal, etc
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25346.html
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