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How does Laoxue host configure the website environment? How many websites can be built?

How does Laoxue host configure the website environment? How many websites can the old Xue host set up? This is the question of many novices. Next, Weiss notes will explain these two issues in detail.

1. How does Laoxue host configure the website environment

Old Xue hosts include virtual hosts and vps. Most of us use virtual hosts.

Virtual host space of Laoxue host It has integrated litespeed, MySQL, and supports PHP versions from 4.4 to the latest version. Using the cPanel virtual host control panel, you can install hundreds of popular programs such as WordPress, Magento, OpenCart, Drupal, WHMCS, and so on.

  • For personal blogs and small and medium-sized websites, it is recommended to choose the domestic host of Laoxue host (need to be filed), the Hong Kong host and the US host that are exempt from filing;
  • It is suggested to choose Laoxue TV host for movie website;
  • Taobaoke website suggests choosing the old Xue Taoke host.

These old Xue hosts have been targeted and optimized for the above different business environments. After purchase, they do not need to configure the environment. Instead, they can directly install the corresponding website building program to provide external access.

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2. How many websites can old Xue host set up

Each series of Laoxue host is divided into No. 1~No. 5, and No. 1 can only establish one website (Sun No. 1 can have unlimited websites).

Unlimited websites can be set up from No. 2 to No. 5 except No. 1.

 Old Xue Hong Kong host

The virtual host space of the old Xue host does not need to configure the environment, and you can build a station and operate after you buy it. The number of websites that Laoxue can build depends on the type of host purchased, and unlimited websites can be built from No. 2 to No. 5.

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Article name: How does Laoxue host configure the website environment? How many websites can be built
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25234.html
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