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Detailed explanation of Laoxue's host redirection function

Laoxue host redirection is to redirect a domain name or directory to another domain name on a website or a specific page through the redirection function of the cPanel panel. For example, create a redirect, and automatically redirect users from domain name A to domain name B. The redirection protocol includes 301 permanent redirection and 302 temporary redirection.

Operation steps of Laoxue host redirection

1. Go to the cPanel panel of Laoxue host (user center>activated products) to enter Two methods to access the cPanel page of Laoxue host )。

Click Redirect in Domain to enter.

 Go to the old Xue host cPanel for redirection

2. Type as shown in the following figure: 301 permanent redirection, which is selected in most cases;

https?://(www.)?: This is the original domain name, and it is also the domain name that you bind to Laoxue's host space;

/This is the specific file name. For example, http://your domain name/directory.file.html, add directory.file.html here;

Redirect to: target domain name. Specify the protocol in the text box, such as http://, https://, or ftp://.;

Www. Redirect:

  • Only use www redirection: only redirect visitors who use www;
  • Redirection with or without www: whether the visitor enters www will redirect all users;
  • Do not redirect www: Do not redirect users who access www.

Wildcard Redirection: Redirects all files to the same file name in the new directory. such as http://example1.com/pic.jpg 's visitors are redirected to http://example.com/pic.jpg

You cannot use Wildcard Redirection to redirect the primary domain to another directory in the site.

3. After adding, you can see the current redirected content below. Note that redirects cannot be edited. To modify the redirection, you must delete it and recreate it.

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Old Xue's host redirection function basically includes these functions. Once you master these functions, you can quickly do 301 redirection for the domain name.

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Article name: Detailed Introduction to the Redirection Function of Laoxue's Host
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25231.html
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