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The old Xue host alias function allows multiple domain names to point to the same website

Host alias function of Laoxue It is easy to make multiple domain names point to the same website. Let's share the notes below.

The operation of multiple domain names pointing to the same website is to facilitate user access. Sometimes we have multiple domain names so that users can jump to the same website when they enter any domain name, to prevent problems with the main domain name. In fact, the use of this alias function is not very extensive. Lao Wei does not agree with the use of aliases. If possible, it is more stable to use the 301 redirect function of Lao Xue's host.

Binding alias operation of Laoxue host

1. Go to the cPanel panel of Laoxue host (user center>activated products) to enter Two methods to access the cPanel page of Laoxue host )。

Find the "Alias" in the "Domain" area to enter.

 Binding alias operation of Laoxue host

2. Enter the domain name to be bound in the "Create New Alias" field and add it.

 Enter the domain name to bind in the "Create New Alias" field

Prompt "You have successfully created the alias".

3. Then go to the domain name provider to resolve the alias domain name to the IP address or CNAME address of the Laoxue host.

After parsing, wait a few minutes and then visit the alias to open the website directly.

Deleting an alias is also very simple. You can see the function below. Click "Remove".

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Article name: Laoxue's host alias function enables multiple domain names to point to the same website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25228.html
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