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The specific operation process of Laoxue host to change the primary domain name

When we first purchased the Laoxue host computer, we asked for a domain name. If you haven't registered a domain name, you can just enter a domain name and mix it first. After you buy a domain name, you can replace it with a real domain name. Wei Aisi Notes Sharing Old Xue host changes the main domain name The specific operation process of.

1. Go to Official website of Laoxue host , enter the product information page (the fastest way is from User Center>Activated Products 3 ways to log in to the product information page of Laoxue host )。

Click the "Modify Primary Domain Name" button.

 Click the "Login cPanel" button on the product information page

2. Enter your domain name in the "New Domain Name" below.

Be careful not to include www or http://or https://. Just enter the top-level domain name directly.

Click Modify.

 "New domain name" Enter your domain name

The modification can succeed immediately.

  • It is recommended to back up the website data before changing the primary domain name;
  • Before modification, check whether the new domain name has been bound to the server by attaching a domain or suspending a domain. If it has already been bound, delete the binding first;
  • The modification only involves the main domain name, and the user name and password will not change;
  • The new domain name entered must be a registered domain name;
  • If self-service modification of the main domain name fails, submit the work order to the after-sales department for assistance;
  • The modification requires less than one minute to respond. Do not submit again.
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Article name: "The specific operation process of Laoxue host to change the main domain name"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25208.html
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