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How does Laoxue host view the website log accesslog?

How to use Laoxue host checks the website log accesslog? In the process of website operation, it is necessary to frequently check website logs, analyze website problems or malicious requests, attacks, etc., in order to take targeted measures. The following Weieis notes share the operation process of how to view the website log on the old Xue host.

1. The cPanel of Laoxue host has the function of viewing website logs. Log in to the cPanel panel (User Center>Activated Products). In addition Two methods to access the cPanel of Laoxue host )In the "Indicator" area, you can see various logs of the website.

 The cPanel of Laoxue host has the function of viewing website logs

2. View live visitors

Click "Visitors" in the "Indicator" area to see the current visitors.

Click the gear icon on the right and check the details such as IP, URL, time, size, status, method, protocol, referral URL and user agent.

 View live visitors

3. Download original access log

Click "Original Access" to enter the page, and click the domain name to download the access log or the previous access log.

 Download original access log

Download it locally to get a compressed log package. Unzip it and open it to see the details of the access log. You can take the exam What is website log and how to analyze it To correspond to the operation.

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It is recommended that webmasters regularly check the site access logs to eliminate hidden dangers and malicious visits and attacks, so that they can take corresponding measures to solve the current external problems of the website.

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Article name: How does Laoxue host view the website log accesslog
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25196.html
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