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Operation process of Laoxue host to establish ZBlogPHP website

How to install ZBlogPHP website on Laoxue host What about? Upload the ZBlogPHP program to Laoxue's host, and then install it. Wei Aisi's notes will share in this article the detailed operation process of the old Xue host to establish the ZBlogPHP website.

1. Download ZBlogPHP program

Download ZBlogPHP program from ZBlog official website to local.

2. Upload ZBlogPHP program to Laoxue host

Enter the cPanel panel (User Center>Active Products). In addition Two methods to access the cPanel of Laoxue host )。

Click the "File Manager" in the "File" area, double-click to enter the website root directory public_html, and click the "Upload" button above to upload the local ZBlogPHP installation package to the website root directory.

 Click the "Upload" button above to upload the local ZBlogPHP installation package to the root directory of the website

Click the uploaded ZBlogPHP program, click "Extract" above, and click "Extract Files" in the pop-up window to decompress to the root directory of the website.

 Click "Extract Files" in the pop-up window to unzip to the root directory of the website.

Access the domain name from the browser and start installing the ZBlogPHP program.

Check the agreement and click Next.

Enter database information for reference Old Xue host MySQL database wizard creates database

  • Select MySQL as the database type;
  • The database address, table storage engine, database drive, and table prefix remain unchanged;
  • Website settings: enter the site name, administrator name and password;
  • The default theme is one, which can be changed later.

If the above information is correct, the ZBlogPHP program is installed.

Then we will update the application, select (change) the theme, and set pseudo static state in the background of ZBlogPHP program to enrich the content.

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Article name: Operation Process of Laoxue Host to Establish ZBlogPHP Website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25193.html
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