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How to use the old Xue host phpMyAdmin to export and import MySQL databases

The phpMyAdmin tool of Laoxue host can export and import MySQL database content, which facilitates the backup and recovery of website database. It is generally used to move from other host websites to the old Xue host. Wei Aisi's notes will share in this article the detailed operation process of exporting and importing MySQL database using the old Xue host phpMyAdmin.

Old Xue host exports MySQL database

1. Open Official website of Laoxue host Log in to User Center>My Products and Services, and click "phpMyAdmin" in "cPanel Panel Shortcuts".

Or enter the cPanel panel from the product information page, find the database, and click "phpMy Management".

 Click "phpMyAdmin" in "cPanel Panel Shortcuts"

2. In the left menu bar, click the name of the database to be exported, and then click the "Export" button.

The export method and format need not be modified. Click the "Execute" button.

Save the. sql format database file locally.

 Old Xue host exports MySQL database

The old Xue host imports MySQL database files

Log in to the cPanel of the old Xue host and use Old Xue host MySQL database wizard creates database At this time, the created database is empty and has no content.

Enter phpMyAdmin just like the above export.

Find the name of the created database, click "Import" on the right, select a file locally and import it.

 The old Xue host imports MySQL database files

You can import local MySQL database files into the new database after a while.

The phpMyAdmin tool of Laoxue host can easily export and import MySQL databases. At the same time, Lao Wei suggested that the MySQL versions before and after are the same, or the later version is higher than the previous version, so compatibility problems are not easy to occur.

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Article name: How to use the old Xue host phpMyAdmin to export and import MySQL databases
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25176.html
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