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Lao Xue's host manually uploads the program to install the WordPress website

Some webmasters are used to uploading programs manually to install WordPress website, and Weieis's notes shared Detailed operation process of one click WordPress site installation on Laoxue host , we will continue to share today Lao Xue's host manually uploads the program to install the WordPress website The operation process of. Since it is a manual operation, the natural installation steps are much more than the previous one button installation.

1. Download the latest version of the program from the official WordPress website, both in English and Chinese, and then modify the language as needed.

2. Enter cPanel( Two methods to access the cPanel of Laoxue host )>File Manager

 Go to cPanel>File Manager

3. Double click to enter the root directory public_html of the website, click "Upload" to select a file on the new page or drag the file to the upload area, and then upload the WordPress installation package to the root directory.

Or use the FTP client software to upload the compressed package to the root directory of the website.

 Click "Upload" to upload the WordPress installation package to the root directory

4. Click the wordperss compressed package in the following figure, click Extract, and unzip it to the wordpress directory.

 Click Extract and unzip to the wordpress directory

5. Enter the wordpress directory, select all files and move them to the root directory/public_html.

 Select all files and move them to the root directory/public_html

Then delete the wordpress. zip package and the wordpress directory.

6. Use the cPanel panel to create a database and user name. For the operation tutorial, see Old Xue host MySQL database wizard creates database , add the database name, user name and password, and the database host is defaulted.

7. The next step is to manually install the WordPress program.

Open the domain name bound to Laoxue's host in the browser, start installing the WordPress website, select "Simplified Chinese", click Continue and Start Now.

Fill in the name, user name and password of the database created above. The database host defaults. Commit and install now.

Fill in the site title, user name and password, and enter your e-mail address. At the initial stage of site construction, check "It is recommended that search engines do not index this site", and then go to the background settings of the website to cancel the check after the site content is enriched. Click to install WordPress.

In this way, we will manually upload the WordPress installer on the old Xue host to establish the website, and then log in to the WordPress website background for more settings.

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Article name: Laoxue Host Manual Uploader Installation WordPress Website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25168.html
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