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Three methods to access the product information page of Laoxue host

After we purchase the old Xue host, we need to view the information of the virtual host, including IP address, alias resolution address, FTP account password, and more additional operations on the virtual host. At this time, we need to enter the product information page to view it. In this article, there are three ways to quickly access Weiss's note sharing Laoxue host product information page

The following picture is the product information page we are going to enter, which contains rich Laoxue host information and management buttons.

 Click the "Login cPanel" button on the product information page

First log in to the background of the old Xue host. Go to the official website of Laoxue host Click the "Member Login" button in the upper right corner, and enter the email address and password to "Login" successfully.

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Enter the product information page of Laoxue host

Here are three ways to quickly access the product information page of Laoxue host.

1. Enter from "Your activated products/services"

There is an area of "products/services you have activated" in the background of Laoxue host. Click the following virtual host name to directly enter the product information page of Laoxue host.

This is the quickest and most direct way.

 Enter from "Your activated products/services"

2. Enter from the bill management area

On the user center page, click Bill Management>Product Management.

When you see the list of all hosts, click the "Management" button on the right side of the target host to see the product information page.

 Enter from the bill management area

3. Enter from the left navigation menu

On the left side of the user center page, click Product Management in the navigation menu, and then click the host type of the host purchased. For example, if you purchase a Hong Kong host in China, click "Overseas Host" to see "My Products and Services", and then click the "Management" button on the right side of the virtual host to enter the product information page.

These three kinds of entry Laoxue host product information page The first method is more direct and effective, saving operation steps. The most direct way is the first one mentioned above, which can be reached in one step from "products/services you have activated".

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Article name: Three Ways to Enter the Product Information Page of Laoxue Host
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25132.html
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