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It only costs 88 yuan/year to buy the old Xue Hong Kong 2 host with the discount code vpss123

Old Xue Hong Kong host It is very cost-effective to deploy the filing free website. Currently, there are five virtual hosts from Hong Kong 1 to 5, and Hong Kong 2 hosts have the highest cost performance ratio. Provide 2G space, 40G monthly traffic, unlimited bound domain names (unlimited number of sites), original price of 158 yuan/year, use Laoxue host discount code Vpss123 can enjoy a 70% discount.

 Old Xue Hong Kong 2 host uses the discount code vpss123 for only 88 yuan/year

How to use the discount code vpss123 to enjoy a 30% discount on Laoxue Hong Kong 2 host? The following Weieis notes describe the operation process in detail.

1. Click Direct to Laoxue Hong Kong host page Click the "Buy Now" button under the "Hong Kong No. 2" host to be purchased.

2. On the "Select Domain Name" page, fill in the domain name if it already exists, and click Use; If there is no domain name, select the following "I need to register a new domain name", or temporarily enter a domain name to occupy the space, and then change the main domain name after it is registered.

To register a domain name, go to AliCloud registration , there are often activities that can be cheaper.

 On the "Select Domain Name" page, fill in the domain name if it already exists, and click Use

3. Select a payment cycle on the configuration page, including annual payment, two-year payment, and three-year payment. The longer the time, the greater the discount;

The default annual payment is 85%, and the next step is to use the discount code vpss123 to enjoy a 70% discount (up discount);

The available value-added strength can be temporarily ignored, and it will be too late to buy if it is not enough;

Click the "Continue" button.

 Select a payment period on the configuration page

4. On the confirmation information page, enter the discount code vpss123, and click Validate to enjoy a 30% discount.

 On the confirmation information page, enter the discount code vpss123, and click verification to enjoy a 30% discount

Seeing the prompt "30% renewal discount", the actual payment was 110.60 yuan, saving 47.40 yuan.

If the payment period you choose is two years, the actual payment after using the discount code vpss123 is 201.6 yuan, with an average of 100.80 yuan/year.

The actual payment in three years is 264.60 yuan, with an average of 88.20 yuan/year.

Laoxue host Hong Kong vps 50% discount in winter
Filing free website Buy Laoxue host now , Hong Kong virtual host is suitable for domestic access, fast!
2-core 2G 40 yuan/month
Use the coupon code vpss123 to enjoy a lifetime discount of 70% (the same price for renewal).
For more information, see Special Topic of Laoxue Host

purchase Old Xue Hong Kong host 25% off for No. 2 Laoxue host discount code 10% off for vpss123. Take the purchase of three years as an example, the average annual payment is 88.20 yuan, which is about 20% cheaper than the purchase of one year.

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Article name: "The discount code vpss123 is only 88 yuan/year for purchasing Laoxue Hong Kong No. 2 host."
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25076.html
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