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5118 Drop down Word Digging/Search Dynamic Industry Thesaurus/Business Opportunity Mining Applet Optimization Zhihu Custom Monitoring

In the fourth week of April 2021, 5118 marketing big data added the deep mining function of the whole network dropdown words, optimized the industry thesaurus/business opportunity mining applet, and updated the Zhihu customized monitoring and other functions.

1. 5118 Deep mining of dropdown words in the whole network

 5118 Online Drop Down Word Deep Mining

5118 Deep mining of drop-down words Up to five layers of extended word data are available, and platforms are supported: Taobao, Zhihu, Tiaoyin, JD, Pinduoduo, Tmall, Baidu Mobile, 5118 Marketing Sharp Tools Full Network Drop Down Word Deep Mining Function Launched

Dropdown associative words represent the real intention of current users and possible future trends. In addition to representing the search behavior of users, they also represent the shopping intention of buyers on the shopping platform.

2. 5118 Dynamic trend analysis of search terms

 5118 Dynamic trend analysis of search terms

join 5118 Search term monitoring The dynamic trend analysis chart of newly added search words in the list and the comparison of newly added word data enable users to timely understand the change trend of the corresponding demand for keywords, and pay attention to the latest hot spots of the network and changes in popularity.

Combined with the above 5118 drop-down word depth mining, not only closely follow the trend, but also quickly follow the practice from the key words.

3. Tips for adding 5118 industry thesaurus permissions

 Tips for adding 5118 industry thesaurus permissions

User View 5118 Industry Expert Thesaurus If the current 5118 member level does not have permission, the system will give a clear guidance prompt.

This situation usually requires Upgrade to 5118vip member Only by using the discount code vpsss123 Enjoy a large discount.

Extended reading: What are the types of industries in 5118 industry thesaurus? What is the key vocabulary of the industry?  

4. Support 5118 Zhihu monitoring custom addition

 5118 Self defined addition of Zhihu monitoring

Click Go 5118 Zhihu Q&A Monitoring In the two functions of the author monitoring of Hezhihu, the user can 5118 Zhihu function data addition monitoring It can also customize and add question and answer links and author URL monitoring, which makes the function more flexible.

5. Optimize business opportunity mining applet
5118 Business Opportunity Mining Applet Helps Seize Business Opportunities with Mobile Phone Optimize the secondary extraction of high-frequency word data and operations.

618 year promotion As low as 70% off for one year and as low as 50% off for three years Renewal/upgrade of old users plus 1 month 30% free when purchasing API A 50% discount on thesaurus in 3 years Click me to buy Use discount code vpsss123 Enjoy the lowest discount.
5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic
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Article name: 5118 Drop down Word Dig/Search Dynamic Industry Thesaurus/Business Opportunity Mining Applet Optimization Zhihu Custom Monitoring
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25070.html
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