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What is the 1M bandwidth of ECS? How to select bandwidth when purchasing servers?

choose The default bandwidth of ECS is 1M Therefore, many novices will be confused when they see the bandwidth: the website will be blocked when the bandwidth is small, and the user's opening speed is slow, affecting the business; Large bandwidth will increase the cost of going to the cloud while wasting it. As the default configuration of ECS, How big is the 1M bandwidth How much traffic can you withstand? Is 1M bandwidth enough? What is the 1M bandwidth of ECS? How to select bandwidth when purchasing servers?

How large is the 1M bandwidth

The bandwidth of ECS refers to the outbound bandwidth (also called downlink bandwidth), which is the bandwidth used when a user sends a request to the server and the server returns data to the user.

1Mbps, 1Mb=128KB, that is, the actual transmission speed of 1Mbps bandwidth is 128KB/s.

This speed seems very slow, but in fact, it is enough for normal use. Most web pages are composed of text and pictures, and the size is about tens of kb after gzip compression. As long as there are not too many pictures, the opening speed of 1M bandwidth is very good.

Only when the user clicks the website link and the server returns data to the user will the bandwidth resources be occupied. When the page is fully loaded, the bandwidth will not be occupied.

There is one user visiting the website at the same time. If there are two users visiting the website at the same time, theoretically each user can get more than 60 kb. Further, there are 10 users visiting the website at the same time, and each user has a speed of about 12.8 kb/s, so the website opening speed will be slower.

Estimated by the number of requests per second

Take personal blog websites such as Weieisi Notes as an example. Take an estimate of 800 words for each article and 2 pictures. The size of the article will not exceed 100kb, which is equivalent to 1 to 2 pages per second, 3600 to 7200 pages per hour, and more than 90000 pages per day. In fact, the user's access will not be so average to one request per second (except for attacks).

In fact, the daily traffic of quite a few websites will not be so exaggerated. With the support of cdn acceleration, object storage, caching and other technologies, small website cloud servers with 1M bandwidth rarely encounter multiple users visiting in the same second, which can meet the needs of websites.

How do you think the bandwidth is enough?

Different website programs have different page sizes and traffic. How can I estimate whether 1M bandwidth is enough for the website?

1. According to conventional estimates, 1M bandwidth is enough for websites with less than 2000 or 3000 PV of visitors per day.

2. Observe the monitoring background of cloud service providers. If the outgoing bandwidth is often up to 128kb/s, it is necessary to consider upgrading the bandwidth.

ECS recommendation

Recently, a friend asked Lao Wei if he had an ECS with high cost performance, and if the default 1M bandwidth was enough. If you have a business request for ECS recently, please take a look at Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud in China.

Alibaba Cloud's current promotional activities are as follows:

There are also many promotional activities of Tencent Cloud:

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

The following is the business and ECS configuration mapping table summarized by Lao Wei for your reference.

  • One core, 2G memory, 1M bandwidth ECS is selected for personal blogs and small websites;
  • Select 2-core 4G memory 3M bandwidth configuration for forums, portals and enterprise websites;
  • 2 cores, 8G memory and 5M bandwidth can be selected when the access volume of applet and APP is large;
  • Online e-commerce websites, video and database websites choose 4-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth;
  • The game station and software station choose 8 cores, 16G memory and 10M bandwidth because of the huge number of visits.
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Article name: How big is the 1M bandwidth of ECS? How to select bandwidth when purchasing servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25066.html
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