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Installation and use of Companion Sitemap Generator WordPress website map plug-in

Companion Sitemap Generator – HTML & XML It's a WordPress website map plug-in , used to generate a WordPress website map. A site map is an xml static file that provides information about a website page. Site maps tell search engines which pages are important and provide valuable information about these pages. By reading this file, search engines can more intelligently crawl websites.

Similar website map plug-ins include Google XML Sitemaps Plug in It has been used for a long time and is very good. It has a comprehensive collection of websites and is very popular with search engines.

Companion Sitemap Generator Plug in Installation Enable

Go to WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for "Companion Sitemap Generator", install and enable it.

 Companion Sitemap Generator Plug in Installation Enable

If you can't download it normally, go to the official WordPress website to download it, manually upload it to the website/plugin/directory, and unzip it to a folder.

Companion Sitemap Generator Plug in Settings

The plug-in is in English, and you can use it Change the "Translation" function of Google Browser to Chinese language

When enabled, you can see the settings in WordPress background>Tools>sitemap.

1. Uncheck articles, pages, categories, tags and topics in the content filter. Let these contents be included in the site map.

The "Posts" and "Category Labels" tabs in the following figure should not be checked (not checked by default).

 Companion Sitemap Generator Plug in Settings

2. You hardly need to set anything on the first page.

Check Notify Google and Bing.

Frequency: Select according to the update frequency of your pages and articles.

Display xml in HTML: generally, the site map is in xml format, so you can not select it here.

Edit robots. txt: It is convenient to edit robots files on the page, or if you don't like them Manually edit the robots.txt file

The final site map in xml format is as follows:

 Generated site map in xml format

WordPress website map plug-in They are all the same, but Companion Sitemap Generator Plug in No function Google XML Sitemaps Plug in Many, you can try to make a comparison before making a choice. And if you use Yoast seo plug-in Rank math plug-in Later, you can save a site map plug-in.

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Article name: Installation and Use of Companion Sitemap Generator WordPress Website Map Plug in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25060.html
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