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WordPress Importer plug-in imports xml backup files

WordPress import tool WordPress Importer )It is a plug-in used to import xml backup files into WordPress. Lao Wei shared it WordPress built-in import function restores xml files , you need to deploy the WordPress import tool plug-in. The plug-in will import the following content from the xml file exported by WordPress:

  • Posts, pages, and other custom post types
  • Comments and comment elements
  • Custom fields and publishing elements
  • Customize categories, labels and terms of taxonomies and term elements
  • author

WordPress Importer Plug in Installation Enable

Go to WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in>Search for "WordPress Importer", install and enable it.

 WordPress Importer Plug in Installation Enable

This plug-in is officially developed by WordPress, and its compatibility with WordPress programs is naturally very close.

WordPress Importer plug-in usage

Go to WordPress background>Tools>Import, find WordPress on the right, and click "Run Importer".

If "Install Now" is displayed, the plug-in has not been installed. Click to start the installation.

 WordPress Importer plug-in usage

Click "Select File", select the xml file from the local option, and then click the "Upload File and Import" button.

 From the local option xml file, click Upload File and Import

To import WordPress, you need to specify the author. By default, it is the current administrator. It can also be assigned to an existing user, or create a new user and randomly generate a user password and corresponding permissions.

Check "Download and import file attachments".


 To import WordPress, specify the author

Through the WordPress import function and WordPress Importer plug-in, you can easily restore the website backup. Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious: website files, plug-ins and other parts need to be installed by yourself. The premise is that Back up your site using WordPress's built-in export function

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Article name: WordPress Importer Plug in Import XML Backup File
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25022.html
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