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Siteground optimizes the database to greatly reduce the number of queries

Siteground optimized database The solution can effectively optimize the number of database queries. Through actual testing and use, it is found that the number of MySQL slow queries has been reduced by 10 to 20 times. stay SiteGround virtual host supports brotli compression Siteground Enable Ultrafast PHP

After these speed-up operations, Siteground optimizes the new settings of the database, greatly reducing the number of database queries.

Two common reasons for slow website operation are that the PHP code is not optimized and there are too many MySQL queries. The key to improving website speed is to continuously optimize website code and reduce the number of database queries.

 Siteground optimizes the database to greatly reduce the number of queries

What is MySQL slow query?

When visitors enter the website, there will be a lot of php code running on all websites using the database, and some of the php code will query the database for information. At this time, the problem arises. For example, on an online e-commerce website, visitors are trying to buy goods, and the website program will check the number of remaining products in the database and display whether they can be ordered in the front end. One access will trigger multiple MySQL queries. The process of query processing by the server may be tedious and time-consuming due to different ways of writing PHP code. As a webmaster, when visitors have to wait more than 2-3 seconds to load the page, they are likely to lose customers.

What has Siteground done to reduce the number of database queries?

Siteground started a new MySQL setting on the server, and adopted an innovative method to arrange the server memory and allocate it to the MySQL database. The new setting allows more concurrent requests to be processed at the same time, which can improve the performance of MySQL query processing. After starting the new MySQL settings, after long-term monitoring of server load, the number of slow database queries decreased by 10 to 20 times!

Siteground's latest service improvements (such as Ultrafast PHP and current MySQL settings) can be attributed to the migration to Google Cloud platform (Google Cloud) and the switch from cPanel to Site Tools (background control panel). After migrating to Google Cloud, Siteground upgraded the server configuration, and increased the allocation of more resources between different machines.

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Who can enjoy the Siteground optimized database?

Hosted in Siteground virtual host Every website on can enjoy the new MySQL settings. If you find that the website has achieved performance improvement, this is the reason.

Through continuous technological innovation, including the Siteground optimized database , providing users with fewer slow database queries, faster servers, and faster website access.

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Article name: Siteground Optimizes Database to Greatly Reduce Query Times
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24975.html
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