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How to use 5118 mining mobile terminal traffic words as article material?

adopt 5118 Mining mobile terminal traffic words The function can easily summarize the traffic words related to the website. These traffic words are closely related to our website. Today, with more and more mobile end visits, it is very beneficial for the keyword layout of websites to make good use of mobile end traffic words. As webmasters, they all know that when writing articles, they should search for content according to website keywords, long tail words, and flow words. The articles written in this way conform to the website positioning, and the effect of collection and drainage will be better. Wei Aisi's notes www.vpss.net share in this article how to use 5118 to mine mobile traffic words.

1. Click Direct 5118 Mining traffic words Page, or from 5118 official website Enter Dig Traffic>Dig Mobile Terminal Traffic in the navigation menu.

 Click to go directly to 5118 to mine the flow words page

2. Enter the keyword to be mined, such as 5118, and click the "Start Mining" button to wait for the mining results.

After waiting for a while to complete the mining, we can see that ordinary users can mine two layers, basic, VIP and SVIP users can mine three layers, and professional, flagship and enterprise users can mine four layers of information.

 5118 Mining mobile terminal traffic words

Click "Export All Data" on the right, click "My Download" on the success page, or click the inverted triangle next to the personal user's avatar in the upper right corner to download data.

 Click the inverted triangle next to the personal user's avatar in the upper right corner of the 5118 navigation bar

Go to the "My Download" page to download the traffic words previously mined to the local computer.

In addition to downloading traffic words, you can also click "high-frequency word extraction", "question word extraction", and "filter extraction" to download them separately, so that you can get the filtered traffic words.

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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

At this time, we opened the excel table in the local computer and saw the summary 5118 Mining mobile terminal traffic words , and then write an article based on these flow words and the corresponding value, combined with the specific positioning of your website. When we don't know what article to write, we can look at the keyword table to find the direction of writing the article.

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Article name: How to use 5118 to mine mobile terminal traffic words as article material
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24950.html
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