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WordPress limited time free charity/non-profit organization/non-profit organization/company/church theme Bethlehem

Bethlehem Theme It is suitable for charities, non-profit organizations, companies and churches Free WordPress theme The theme forest will provide free download in April 2021. Next, we will introduce the features of this theme in detail in Weieis's notes www.vpss.net.

Bethlehem Introduction

Bethlehem theme is an intuitive, flexible and powerful Wordpress theme, designed for churches, charities, non-profit organizations, and can also be used for company websites.

 WordPress limited time free charity/non-profit organization/non-profit organization/company/church theme Bethlehem

Bethlehem Theme Official Website

click Go to the topic page see

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Bethlehem theme function

  • Based on the popular Underscores framework, which is used by Automatic for all topics on Wordpress
  • Using Susy's responsive layout, a flexible and nested grid system.
  • Schema tags – valid schema tags enhance SEO performance.
  • Localization – Bethlehem is fully localized and ready for translation.
  • Ease of use ready – Bethlehem adheres to strict wordpress ease of use guidelines, enabling online stores to be used by the widest audience.
  • Powerful option panel – Bethlehem has a powerful option panel to customize the website to match the brand.
  • Deep integration – Bethlehem integrates with WooCommerce, event calendar, donation, WooThemes recommendation, WooThemes team, Visual Composer, Slider Revolution and many other plug-ins.
  • PSD documents can be provided upon request.
  • 3 home pages – Bethlehem bundles 3 different home pages for selection.
  • 8 Title Styles – You can choose from the 8 available title styles for your website.
  • 3 footer styles – Choose from 3 available footer styles for your site.
  • Megamenu – Easily create and use megamenus.
  • 6 Predefined color schemes and unlimited color options.
  • Sermon Manager – Add audio and video through the easy-to-use Sermon Manager.
  • Organized in Wordpress management panel, the extension plug-in can do this.
  • Use WooThemes' "Our Team" to manage the team.
  • Donation – Use the Give plug-in to raise events and accept donations.
  • Stories – You can now add stories that will inspire your visitors.
  • Events – Create and organize events using the event calendar plug-in integrated with themes.
  • Store – Bethlehem is tightly integrated with WooCommerce and can set up its own store and sell products online.
  • Visual Composer – Build layouts using the most popular page builder, Visual Composer.
  • Slider Revolution – Use Slider Revolution bundled with this theme to create sliders with amazing effects.
  • More functions click Go to the topic page see.

Bethlehem Theme Preview

The following figure is the screenshot of the home page. Click on more pages Go to the topic page see.

Weieis comments

Bethlehem Theme It is designed for charities, non-profit organizations, companies, churches WordPress Theme There are three demo demo stations, which provide eight header styles to choose from. They are closely combined with the wooCommerce plug-in, and support donation plug-ins. It is no problem to build a theme website in this regard.

The theme forest opens slowly in China. At the same time, in order to facilitate everyone to test and learn this theme, Lao Wei shared the download address of the theme on the public account. Please follow the public account on the right side of the page and reply to Bethlehem for the download address.

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Article name: WordPress Limited Time Free Charity/Non profit Organization/Non profit Organization/Company/Church Theme Bethlehem
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24790.html
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