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WordPress social icon widget Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM plug-in

Social Icons Widget & Block by WPZOOM It's a WordPress social icon widget plug-in , you can quickly add icons with links to profiles from different social networks. This plug-in includes some common icon collections, which are common social media networks abroad.

Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM plug-in installation

 WordPress Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM

From WordPress background>Plug in, install the plug-in to search for Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM, and then install and enable it as shown in the figure above.

Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM plug-in

In WordPress background>Appearance>Widget, drag Social Icons by WPZOOM to the right sidebar and start setting parameters.

 Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM plug-in

The settings of this plug-in are easy to understand. First give the widget a title name, and then whether to display text above the icon (basic html code is supported);

Then there are several checked options, including whether to display icon labels, whether to open links in new labels, and whether to add nofollow, noreferrer, and noopener, which are checked by default;

Icon alignment: left, middle, right;

Icon style: there are two types, color background/white icon or color icon/no background;

Icon background style: circle, round corner, square. If "Color icon"/"No background" icon style is selected, this option is invalid;

 Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM plug-in setting parameters

The icon filling and icon size are generally unchanged;

Icon color and icon hover color: select according to personal preferences, and you can make a beautiful custom color effect here;

Icons: delete and add social media icons and your own social media website;

Icons can be sorted by dragging up and down, adding more icons, or clicking icon replacement.

In the pop-up page for replacing icons, you can also select icon suites, select appropriate icons according to different icon types and purposes, or search for icons.

 Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM Plug in Icon

Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM Plug in Is a WordPress social media icon widget plug-in , put it on the sidebar for display. It is mainly used for foreign social media. You can put your own media address on it to attract visitors to follow as your fans. Lao Wei, the domestic social media, has not tested it. It seems that it can also be used. Just manually replace icons and add urls.

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Article name: WordPress Social Icons Widget&Block by WPZOOM Plug in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24758.html
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