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Pagoda panel uses Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in to manage Tencent Cloud cos object storage

Pagoda panel Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in It can directly manage and operate the files of Tencent Cloud COS object bucket just like the local computer files. This function is jointly developed by Pagoda Panel and Tencent Cloud. It is especially practical for users who use Pagoda Panel and Tencent Cloud COS object storage at the same time. Wei Aisi's notes www.vpss.net share the use of the pagoda panel in this article Tencent Cloud COSFS Plug in Administration Tencent cloud cos object storage Operation process of.

Deploy pagoda panel

The first prerequisite is to install and deploy the pagoda panel. If you don't have one, please follow the following prompts.

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Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Get Tencent Cloud APPID account key

In order to bind Tencent Cloud COS object storage, you need to first obtain Tencent Cloud API Key APPID/SecretId/SecretKey

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Tencent Cloud COS object storage activation settings

The bucket for Tencent Cloud COS object storage needs to be opened in advance.

Please refer to Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS) Plug in Installation and Setting Tutorial The bucket section in.

Pagoda panel installation Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in

In Pagoda Panel>Software Store>Pagoda Plug in, search and find the [Tencent Cloud COSFS Plug in] and install it.

 Pagoda panel installation Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in

Set the bucket bound to Tencent Cloud COS object storage.

Fill in the APPID, secretId, and secretKey obtained above, and the binding is successful.

 Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in binds Tencent Cloud appid

Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in settings

 Pagoda panel uses Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in to manage Tencent Cloud cos object storage

After successful binding, you can perform the following operations on the bucket:

  • Add a bucket. After the bucket is successfully added, you can see the current bucket name, mount directory, bucket region, and creation time.
  • The plug-in can mount, unload, delete, and manage files on the storage bucket.
  • The local default mount directory is under/www/cosfs/. You can modify the directory as needed during mount.
  • Click the corresponding bucket to wake up the file management window.
  • Unloading and deleting buckets.
  • Forcing uninstallation while in use will affect the project; You can uninstall only after ensuring that there are no websites or applications currently using the bucket.
  • When there are still files in the bucket, you need to delete all files manually to delete the bucket.

in short Pagoda panel Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in Administration Tencent cloud cos object storage It is very convenient. You can add, delete, and modify bucket files in the pagoda panel, eliminating the trouble of opening an additional browser window and logging in to Tencent Cloud Console.

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Article name: "The pagoda panel uses Tencent Cloud COSFS plug-in to manage Tencent Cloud cos object storage"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24718.html
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