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What is Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration? Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration operation process

Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration What is it? Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration is a way to apply for trademark registration on Alibaba Cloud trademark registration platform, Alibaba Cloud trademark registration Various trademark registration methods are provided. For users with rich experience in trademark registration, if they can independently register trademarks, they are still recommended to choose Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration apply. If you have no experience in trademark registration, it is recommended to choose Alibaba Cloud trademark consultant registration It is easier and more successful to have professional trademark registration consultants to assist in the whole process.

If you can't design your own trademark, you can use it Alibaba Cloud trademark optimization Service, select more registered trademarks.

For the first operation of Alibaba Cloud trademark registration, please upload relevant materials and create a trademark applicant. Lao Wei suggested that the trademark registration procedure documents, materials and format requirements should be prepared in advance Materials required for trademark registration

Alibaba Cloud trademark intelligent registration operation process

1. Click Go to Alibaba Cloud for smart trademark registration Page, click the [Apply Now] trademark intelligent registration button to start the registration process.

proposal Click to receive AliCloud vouchers , you can deduct and save money when paying.

2. Fill in the basic information of the trademark. Fill in the trademark information according to the table.

Tip: There is a high risk of failure in smart registration applications. If you have no previous experience in trademark application, it is recommended to select "Alibaba Cloud Trademark Advisor Registration Application" to improve the passing rate of trademark applications.
Alibaba Cloud trademark applications currently only support ordinary trademark registration applications, but not certification trademark, collective trademark, voice trademark and three-dimensional trademark applications.

The following explains how to fill in according to the prompts in the figure above.

① Trademark type

  • Character trademark: it is composed of characters, or it can be a trademark of artistic design (able to distinguish characters) with characters as the main body.
  • Graphic trademark: It is composed of graphics, without characters, numbers and letters or the elements of artistic design (able to distinguish characters) with characters as the main body.
  • Character and graphic combination trademark: composed of characters, numbers, letters and graphics.

② Trade name

Edit the trademark name according to your trademark type. This name is only used by the Alibaba Cloud trademark console (to distinguish different trademarks you own) and is not submitted to the Trademark Office.

  • Text trademark: directly named according to the constituent words of the trademark. If the text trademark and the trademark pattern are automatically generated, the trademark content is consistent with the trademark name.
  • Graphic trademark: no trademark name is required.
  • Character and graphic combination trademark: the naming of visually recognizable characters and figures.

③ Trademark pattern

There are two ways to automatically generate trademarks and manually upload existing trademark images. Only when the trademark type is a text trademark, it can be generated automatically. For other types, the trademark pattern is generated manually by default.

Auto Generate: the system automatically generates the trademark pattern according to the trademark name filled in by the user, and the user selects the font to generate the trademark according to the actual situation. All fonts except boldface are charged.

Manual generation: upload black and white or color trademark drawings manually.

After uploading the black and white pattern and registering successfully, you can change the color of the trademark as required.

After uploading the color pattern and registering successfully, it can only be used according to the color of the uploaded pattern, and then it will be recognized as a registered trademark.

④ Trademark description

Fill in the content of trademark constituent elements, such as the words and letters of constituent elements, and indicate if there are special meanings.

Filling in the trademark description truthfully and consistent with the trademark content is helpful to improve the accuracy of the trademark application information publicized on the trademark website.

The trademark pattern is automatically generated, and the trademark description is generated by the system at the same time without manual filling.

3. Select trademark classification, items and place an order

Select categories and items according to your product category.

Manual selection: select the item to be applied in the classification list. If you don't know how to select an item, you can select the field with similar business scope from the drop-down box below the recommended scheme. After you confirm the company, the system will automatically select the relevant item. Please note that the recommended items here are for reference only, and there is a risk that they will be rejected by the audit organization at the audit stage, and the fees will not be refunded after rejection. Please choose carefully.

After the classification and project selection is completed, click "Place an order immediately" at the payable amount, and check to know that the intelligent registration application has a high risk of failure, and confirm.

4. Select or create a trademark applicant

Select the applicant that has been created, or add new information to create a new applicant. After selecting, click Next to pay the order.

This step can also be skipped. After the trademark registration is successful, go to the console to supplement relevant materials. An order cannot enter Alibaba Cloud's preliminary review without adding the applicant's information.

5. Create a new applicant

  • According to different applicants' qualifications, including individuals, enterprises, individual businesses, etc., submit corresponding identity information.
  • Download the power of attorney and reuse the legal statement template and sign or seal.
  • Upload power of attorney documents and reuse legal statements.
  • Fill in the recipient information and complete the creation. It is used to receive paper documents such as Trademark Registration Certificate or Trademark Opposition Defense Notice after successful trademark registration.
  • After the information is filled in and submitted, the trademark creation applicant is completed.

6. Confirm the payment of trademark registration application order and submit it

In the order payment interface, carefully check the selected trademark, classification details and amount to be registered, check and confirm the payment after confirmation.

7. Submit and review the trademark registration application order

After successful payment, Alibaba Cloud will enter the preliminary review. After the preliminary review is passed, Alibaba Cloud will submit your trademark registration order to the Trademark Office for review and publicity.

8. Your trademark registration application was rejected to Alibaba Cloud after the Trademark Office failed the review, and the Trademark Office issued a notice of rejection. If you have any objection, you can apply Alibaba Cloud trademark rejection review

9. Processing after successful trademark application

The trademark registration application has passed the examination of the Trademark Office and has been preliminarily approved and announced. If no objection is raised, the Trademark Office will issue the Electronic and Paper versions of the Trademark Registration Certificate.

  • After the electronic certificate is issued by the Trademark Office Log in to Alibaba Cloud trademark service Console view.
  • The paper certificate will be sent to Alibaba Cloud from the Trademark Office two months after the end of the publicity, and Alibaba Cloud will mail the original certificate to you.
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Article name: What is Alibaba Cloud Smart Trademark Registration? Alibaba Cloud Smart Trademark Registration Operation Process
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24600.html
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