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Where and how to add the title/description/keywords tag of the WordPress website

Where to add the WordPress website title/description/keywords tag How to add? This is a recent question from a novice and Xiaobai about how to add tags to the website without these tags. Any website needs to provide title tags, description tags and keywords tags. These tags are also the first step for users and search engines to understand the core content of your website. Therefore, these three tags should be well written. Today, Mr. Wei will explain in detail where and how to add the title tag, description tag and keywords tag.

Lao Wei shared similar articles Where to add WordPress website title/keyword/description Now it seems that the original understanding is not deep and the writing is not detailed enough. I will write it again today.

Meaning of title tag/description tag/keywords tag

These three tags describe and explain the relevant properties of the website from different perspectives.

  1. Title tag : The website title summarizes the core content of the website in a concise, short and comprehensive sentence. Generally not more than 80 characters. such as Weiss Notes Title tag: Weieis Notes - ECS Self built Website Tutorial _ Zero Infrastructure Website _ Hands on Teaching You to Build Wordpress Website.
  2. Description tag : Website description. The description is conducive to SEO optimization. It is recommended to use 30-160 words. For example, the description tag of Weieis Notes: Weieis Notes sharing uses the cloud server to build its own website, and novices who do not understand the code use Wordpress to quickly build beautiful websites that are conducive to SEO optimization. How to build an independent foreign trade station? From beginner to proficient, learn from Lao Wei.
  3. Keywords tag: Website keywords, keywords are conducive to SEO optimization, the number of recommended 5-10, separated by English commas. For example, the keywords tag used in Weiaisi's notes: ECS builds its own website, does not understand the code, uses Wordpress to quickly build a website, builds a website from entry to mastery, pagoda panels, and independent foreign trade stations.

After understanding the concept of title tag, description tag and keywords tag, let's start to add them.

Add title tag/description tag/keywords tag

1. Add labels manually

WordPress background>Settings>General, site title and subtitle are title tags.

  1. Site title: site name;
  2. Subtitle: Describe the site in simple words, including phrases, keywords, etc;

Only the title tag is solved above, and the description tag and keywords tag are manually added below. The method is as follows:

Enter the WordPress background, find Appearance>Edit, find the header.php file in the file list on the right side of the editing theme, and click Open.

Find the</title>code in the header. php file. The slash indicates the end of the title. Then add keywords and description codes after the title.

Press Enter to empty a line, add and modify the following code

<meta name="keywords" content="Fill in the description keywords of your website here"/>

<meta name="description" content="Fill in the description of your website here"/>

The website keyword tag and description tag are edited by the webmaster himself, and the selection basis is to modify the above keywords and descriptions according to the needs of the website content. The specific process of conceiving, adding and editing How does WordPress edit website titles/descriptions/keywords This is explained in detail in the article.

You can edit the content locally first, then put the code in the empty line, and click Update Submit after confirmation. Then the WordPress keyword and description tags will be added.

The above is a purely manual addition of title/description/keywords tags, which needs to be completed manually after the theme is updated and overwritten. It is troublesome and unfriendly for WordPress to build a website. Now, Lao Wei introduces a relatively simple method.

2. Add in theme settings

Many topics have their own title/description/keywords tag adding locations, which can completely replace WordPress's own functions and manual adding operations.

Because the design concept of each theme is different, Lao Wei DUX Theme Explain as an example.

Enter WordPress Background>Appearance>Dux Theme Settings, and enter the SEO Settings tab on the right.

  1. Whole station connector: generally "-" or "_", selected to leave, not recommended to modify, adverse to SEO;
  2. Disable the theme's own SEO function: if you use a third-party SEO plug-in, you can check here, and all titles, keywords, and descriptions in this tab will be invalid;
  3. Title: add a website title here. If it is empty, the "site title+subtitle" in WordPress background>Settings>General will be automatically extracted;
  4. Keywords on the home page: Adding keywords on the website will not affect the normal display here. It is conducive to SEO optimization;
  5. Home page description: add a website description, which has the same effect on home page keywords;
  6. Customized SEO settings for articles and pages: when enabled, the title, keyword and description filling boxes will be displayed when editing articles in the background;
  7. Do not follow the site title after the article page title: the site title will not follow automatically after the article page title is opened.

It can be seen that the Dux theme is very specific about the setting of the title/description/keywords tag. You can even add the title, keyword, and description of each article separately when editing an article.

Relevant content expansion: Detailed introduction to DUX theme

Detailed Graphic and Text Tutorial of DUX Theme Installation

As for other topics, we will find and study them by ourselves.

As far as Lao Wei knows, domestic WordPress themes usually have seo settings, and the title/description/keywords tags can be customized, which is convenient and fast, and there is no need to worry about later.

What should we do if we want to add title/description/keywords tags to foreign WordPress themes? Let's continue to look down.

Extended reading: How to write the English foreign trade website title/keywords/description

3. Seo plug-in addition

Overseas WordPress themes generally use seo plug-ins to add, set, and modify the title/description/keywords tags.

Common seo plug-ins include All in One SEO Pack Plug in Yoast SEO plug-in Rank Math Plug in The most popular of the three plug-ins is the Rank Math plug-in, because this plug-in provides users with many functions in the pro version of the previous two plug-ins for free.

The specific method for adding the title/description/keywords tag can be found in the plug-in link article above, so I won't go into details here.

Summary of Weiss's Notes

For novices and Xiaobai Where and how to add the title/description/keywords tag of the WordPress website Old Wei summarized the answers to the questions. Manual addition is not recommended; Domestic WordPress themes are generally added in the theme settings, which can replace WordPress titles and subheadings; Foreign WordPress themes are generally added using third-party seo plug-ins. After adding theme settings and seo plug-ins, even if the theme is updated, it will not affect, which is more convenient.

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Article name: Where and how to add WordPress website title/description/keywords tags
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24512.html
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