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WordPress Free Resources Download Station Theme Storeys

Storeys Theme yes WordPress resource download station theme It is another WordPress free theme developed by Lightning Blog. Storeys theme has strong universality and can be used to build resource websites.

Storeys Theme Official Website

click Go to the topic page View details

Installation environment requirements PHP 7.3~7.4 and MySQL 5.5~5.6 are recommended;
Pseudo static (fixed link), using Pagoda panel one key setting pseudo static Linux system is recommended for better use experience;
For the sake of website security, stability and speed, Lao Wei recommends choosing Pagoda panel Build a website environment AliCloud server Tencent ECS Deployment theme;
The entry-level host is configured with 1 core 2G memory and 1 M bandwidth. Lao Wei suggested selecting 2 core 4G memory and 1 M bandwidth;
The theme can only be activated when it is accessible through the internet, and the local/intranet server may not be able to activate the authorization;

Storeys Theme Features

  1. Responsive architecture, both mobile and PC, 100% responsive design;
  2. Powerful theme settings, built-in basic settings, advertising settings, SEO settings (including Baidu webmaster URL push), custom code, download settings, copyright information and more resources and other management functions;
  3. Modern unique design, feature configurable home floor design, intelligent article album.

Storeys theme function

1. Theme Settings

Provide basic settings, advertising management, custom code, copyright information and more resources.

  • Basic settings: basic settings such as theme logo, favicon, theme basic color matching, automatically loaded pages, list page display form, footer copyright information and social icon settings, and article reward settings.
  • Advertising settings: Configure Google Alliance code advertising and self upload image advertising.
  • User defined code: User defined configuration header, footer, CSS style and statistics code.

2. Responsive design

  • Responsive front-end code: adapt the device screen according to different resolutions to ensure that the website can adapt to any device.
  • Floor design of the home page: the home page adopts intelligent push floors and classified floor settings: configure the home page display classification to display and download resources by floor; By default, the top floor is set as smart push in three dimensions: featured, latest and popular.
  • Smart album function: The article details page uses the smart album function. The webmaster only needs to insert the required pictures on the article page, and the smart album system will automatically read all the pictures and generate an album.

3. Resource download management

Installing plug-ins WordPress resource download management plug-in , you can manage the download resources of the WordPress website, insert the Baidu Cloud/Chengtong online disk download link in the article or directly upload the resources to the blog server to provide users with the resource download path.

4. Enhance social functions

WordPress Blog Social Sharing Plugin Enhanced social function, integrated website rewards, article likes, micro posters and article social sharing function plug-ins. Plug ins provide readers with likes, micro posters and social sharing functions, encourage website visitors to interact, and promote the spread of WordPress blog articles; At the same time, it is convenient for visitors to reward (donate) through QR code to encourage continuous creative contributions.

5. SEO optimization

Installation required Smart SEO Tool Plug in , there is no need to worry about the SEO problem of WordPress blog website. This plug-in is absolutely the first choice of lazy webmasters, simple to use and powerful.

6. Dependent plug-ins

Starting from 3/4/5 above, the theme must install plug-ins to replace the original SEO, download management and social functions of the theme. Ensure that the theme uses the latest features.

7. For more details, click Go to the topic page see.

Storeys Theme Preview

Below are some screenshots of the theme home page. For more pages, click Go to the topic page see.

Weieis comments

Storeys Theme The design of the page is grand and beautiful, which was shared with Lao Wei before WordPress Free Software Download Theme Inpandora and WordPress Software Download Station Membership Theme Inpandora Pro Compared with Storeys, the theme of Storeys is obviously more versatile and suitable for any resource download station. As a professional WordPress Software Download Theme Storeys theme is free because it does not provide download function. If you need this function, please select Storeys Pro Theme

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Article name: WordPress Free Resources Download Station Theme Storeys
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24503.html
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