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Which is more suitable for Shaanxi to choose AliCloud Chengdu or Hangzhou servers

Shaanxi selects Alibaba Cloud Chengdu or Hangzhou servers Which is more appropriate? Shaanxi is located in northwest China, where there are many colleges and universities, and the Internet resources are also very rich. If an individual or enterprise in Shaanxi wants to do business on the cloud, first consider choosing a big business such as Alibaba Cloud, and then consider which region is more appropriate. Wei Aisi's Notebook www.vpss.net shares relevant content about which Alibaba Cloud regional server is more suitable for Shaanxi.

Shaanxi selects AliCloud region

AliCloud, which is closer to Shaanxi, has several data centers in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Chongqing. Other data centers are slightly farther away. Shaanxi belongs to the northwest region. Taking Xi'an as an example, the following factors should be taken into consideration when choosing the AliCloud server region:

1. Local business

If it is local business, it is natural to choose Chengdu and Chongqing nodes closer to Shaanxi. The closer the ECS is, the lower the delay will be, and the faster the cloud services will be opened.

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2. National business

If it is a national business that is cloud based and accessible to users nationwide, Lao Wei suggests that you give priority to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen, while taking into account the region where you manage the server yourself.

3. Alibaba Cloud domestic node speed

Including Alibaba Cloud's several domestic data nodes mentioned above, the access delay for docking with domestic networks is less than 50ms, so you can choose whichever one you like. Interested friends, please move AliCloud's 18 global node speed measurement domain names and how to select regional nodes Find the Alibaba Cloud node speed measurement domain name you need, and ping it yourself to see how the results are.

Price performance ratio of AliCloud servers

If you don't have an AliCloud account to register, Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher, the deductible amount for purchasing AliCloud products. At present, the price of Alibaba Cloud in domestic regions is the same. There is no difference in the price, speed and stability of Alibaba Cloud East China 1 Hangzhou node or South China 1 Shenzhen node.

In addition to the above mentioned major nodes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, there are other domestic nodes that are a little cheaper (because they are not big cities, the cost is lower). Lao Wei suggested that Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen should be the first choice. The comprehensive performance of the developed network is also better.

Weiss summary

Shaanxi selects Alibaba Cloud Chengdu or Hangzhou servers There is no need to tangle. The local business will choose servers in Chengdu and Chongqing, which are close, low latency, fast and affordable. Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen can be selected for national business.

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Article name: Which is more suitable for Shaanxi to choose AliCloud Chengdu or Hangzhou servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24491.html
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