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WordPress limited time free APP application display theme AppArt

AppArt Theme It is an APP application display theme, that is to say, it is used to display many app applications WordPress Theme Large area use of vector graphics and simple, beautiful modern design. It will be provided by the theme forest for free download in March 2021.

AppArt Theme Introduction

The WordPress theme of AppArt creative application is extremely responsive and compatible with all types of screens and devices. Appart can display and promote your app mobile applications, saas applications, software, digital products, virtual products, etc. in a better way. The AppArt theme provides a unique user experience (UX) for.

AppArt Theme Website

click Go to the topic page see

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AppArt Theme Functions

The Appart theme provides advanced technology, exquisite demonstrations and more new functions: the theme provides five exquisite and elaborate demos, and users can quickly launch new websites with any one. You can also play and create your own demo with simplified code.

  • More than 90 kinds of user-defined short codes: simplify the workflow through short codes, add new projects from more than 90 kinds of new elements, customize the design, and what you see is what you get.
  • Multi page and single page versions: The demo demo accompanying the theme provides a multi page website. You can also build a single page website.
  • Support all mainstream browsers: The AppArt theme supports mainstream browsers, and the display pages on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer are the same.
  • Comprehensive response: built-in Bootstrap 3, compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. The 12 column grid of main content enables the entire template to display different types of data and content flexibly.
  • Easy customization: Each demo built with AppArt is different. Without coding knowledge, novices can create amazing websites and easily change the option panel.
  • CSS3 animation: From loading animation to switching, from modal window to smooth rolling navigation, AppArt provides a beautiful and smooth experience.
  • Born for performance: the topic optimizes performance to achieve the best performance in all environments.
  • 100% translatable and compatible with WPML: AppArt is fully compatible with WPML, and also contains. po and. mo files, making it easy to translate themes.
  • Comprehensive RTL support: "right to left" text to build websites. The topic provides full RTL compatibility and some Arabic demonstrations.
  • Rich layout: Google fonts are one of the most complete sources of free online fonts. With more than 800 high-quality fonts, customize the website to use any style and style.
  • One click demo installation: the fastest way to import demo content. The topic importer provides all pages and posts of AppArt, example sliders, widgets, topic options, assigned pages, etc.
  • XML presentation import: the topic contains all the XML files of the presentation (topic>inc>demos). Skip the one click presentation importer and import the presentation manually.
  • Mailchirp integration: establish an e-mail list, and start e-mail marketing activities with MailChimp, an e-mail marketing tool. It is fully integrated into AppArt.
  • Contact form 7 
: The topic provides support for the most popular contacts among the plug-ins available in the WordPress repository.
  • Parallax scrolling: CSS Butterfly smoothes parallax scrolling. Using AppArt, you can set the parallax background to any part of the page.
  • After multi site testing: AppArt theme has been tested in a variety of multi site settings.
  • Easily import templates and customize them with your own predefined elements of images and themes.
  • Custom theme option panel: The Redux framework can easily change the theme.
  • Include subthemes: The main download folder for AppArt contains a subtheme. WordPress subthemes allow custom code changes to be applied to websites. Using sub themes ensures that custom settings will not be overwritten even if the parent theme is updated.
  • Smooth user experience: AppArt is optimized to provide the best UX/UI experience.
  • Clean coding: the subject code is in order, clear and tidy.
  • Professional and quick support: just submit the work order in the support forum, and a professional support consultant will answer it.
  • Lifetime free update 
: AppArt lifelong free update. Later, you can upgrade and purchase it at one time.
  • More functions click Go to the topic page see

AppArt Theme Preview

The following figure is a preview of some screenshots on the home page. Click Go to the topic page see

Weieis comments

AppArt Theme It is designed for virtual software products WordPress Theme The overall color is mainly blue, which is perfectly matched with the elementor page editor, and can design theme websites that perfectly display apps, applications, and digital products as you want.

The theme forest opens slowly in China. At the same time, in order to facilitate everyone to test and learn this theme, Lao Wei shared the theme download address on the public account. Please follow the public account on the right side of the page and reply to the appart to get the download address.

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Article name: WordPress Limited Time Free APP Application Exhibition Theme AppArt
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24483.html
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