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The latest 5118 discount code can enjoy a 25% discount tutorial

If you directly purchase 5118 members at the original price, enter the latest data in 2021 5118 discount code vpsss123, You can enjoy a 15% discount on the purchase of 5118 Basic Edition and a 15% discount on VIP, SVIP, Professional and Ultimate Edition members. If you choose 2 years/3 years, you can enjoy a discount on the discount code.

5118 marketing big data website is very popular with webmasters and new media practitioners recently, and its functions such as SEO query and new media data query are very practical. 5118 paid members have more permissions and functions. For example, 5118 VIP members can download up to 500000 keywords every time, and 5118 SVIP members have the full text one click intelligent original function. It can be seen that 5118 members are still very easy to use. They can quickly obtain big data, save time and energy, and are worth buying.

5118 Preferential member price

  • The original price of the basic version is 259 yuan/year, and the preferential price is 246 yuan/year;
  • The original VIP price is 399 yuan/year, and the preferential price is 351 yuan/year;
  • SVIP original price is 699 yuan/year, and preferential price is 615 yuan/year;
  • The professional version is 1699 yuan/year, and the preferential price is 1495 yuan/year;
  • The flagship version is 3699 yuan/year, and the preferential price is 3255 yuan/year.

How to use the discount code when purchasing 5118 members

1. Go to 5118 official login, click Enter member level service , select the level you need to purchase from the following figure, for example, to purchase SVIP, click "Upgrade Now" to enter the purchase page.

2. In the new window, pull down to see "Purchase Years", and select the appropriate time length. Choose 2 months for 2 years and 4 months for 3 years, the longer the more cost-effective.

Check "Use discount code", enter the discount code vpss123, and confirm.

At this time, the "payable amount" has changed from 2097 yuan/3 years to 1640 yuan/3 years, which is equivalent to a discount of 8.5%.

Finally, the payment process was completed through WeChat Alipay code scanning, bank transfer and other methods, and he became a 5118 member.

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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

Weiss summary

The most critical step in the whole operation process is to check Use 5118 discount code , enter the discount code vpss123, and confirm. Old Wei suggested that you use a discount code to purchase 5118 members, which can save a lot of expenses and reduce the cost of network operation.

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Article name: Tutorial of the Latest 5118 Discount Code with 15% Discount
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24470.html
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