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WordPress program theme plug-in information push and optimization plug-in WPS Bidouille

WPS Bidouille Plug in It is a WordPress program theme plug-in information push and optimization plug-in, which is used to understand the details of the server where the website is located, WordPress program theme plug-in information push, optimize WordPress settings, and download TXT reports.

WPS Bidouille plug-in installation

From the WordPress background plug-in, install the plug-in, search for "WPS Bidouille", install and enable it.

If the installation fails, you need to search and download the plug-in from the WordPress official website, upload it to the website plug-in directory, decompress it, and then enable it in the WordPress background>Plug in.

WPS Bidouille plug-in function

WPS Bidouille provides a special notification center, which can quickly view the content to be updated, deleted, corrected or adjusted.

Common functions include the following:

  • Hide connection errors
  • Delete special characters from uploaded media
  • Delete WordPress version
  • Remove manifest from Windows Live Writer
  • Disable WordPress emoticons
  • Limit number of revisions
  • Remove H1 in Tiny MCE
  • Disable REST API
  • Add "Medium Large" Image Format
  • Disable author page and author link
  • Disable users in the default WordPress sitemap
  • Remove RSS Feed
  • Remove RSS feeds from comments
  • Load the latest version of jQuery
  • Increase the speed of WooCommerce
  • Speed up contact form 7
  • Disable REST API user endpoint

And other tools:

  • Disconnect all sessions
  • Delete expired temporary data
  • Clean up unnecessary comments
  • Empty comment in recycle bin
  • Repair and optimize the database from WPS Bidouille.

WPS Bidouille Plug in Settings

There are many items for setting the WPS Bidouille plug-in, which can be seen in the notification center shown in the figure below. It is responsible for notifying WordPress version, theme version, plug-in version, database, SSL certificate, etc., so that we can understand and update the corresponding parts in a more timely manner.

Server information: including environment software, memory, hard disk and some php settings;

Optimization: This part of functions is similar to WPJAM Basic Plug in Overlapping, optimizing WordPress to a certain extent, is equivalent to speeding up the website;

Report MYSQL: provide a very detailed database situation;

Repair the database and optimize: these two parts need to manually go to wp-config.php to add a definition ('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR ', true); this line of code can run normally. Function and WP Optimize plug-in WPS Cleaner Plug in Similar functions.

WPS Bidouille Plug in It has many functions. It's a bit of a hodgepodge. Old Wei felt that it was not suitable for domestic websites. If you want to optimize the database, you can use WP Optimize plug-in , optimized WordPress can be used WPJAM Basic Plug in For WordPress themes, plug-ins, and program updates WP China Yes plug-in wait. This kind WordPress plug-in Its feature is that it cannot be used at ordinary times (low frequency of use) and can be unloaded after use. There is no need for a plug-in to reside in the background for a long time (occupying system resources). So this article is just an introduction, not a recommendation.

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Article name: WordPress Program Theme Plug in Information Push and Optimization Plug in WPS Bidouille
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24421.html
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