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WordPress star rating plug-in kk Star Ratings

We often see the star rating comment function at the bottom of the content page of the WordPress website. It is a cool function to score this article by clicking the star rating. Today's Weiss notes will introduce Kk Star Ratings plug-in This is the one for WordPress star rating comment plug-in The advantage is that it supports the display of stars in Google search results, which may bring more traffic to the website.

Installation of kk Star Ratings plug-in

In the WordPress background plug-in, search "kk Star Ratings" in the installation plug-in, install and enable it.

If the installation fails, you need to go to the WordPress website to download and manually upload the installation.

After enabling, the jump page will prompt "Allow and Continue" to join the free service on the official website. After selecting "Allow", you will see the setting page (you can also use it normally if you select "Skip").

At this time, you will receive an official verification email. Go to the mailbox and click verify your email to verify.

Here, Lao Wei usually chooses to "skip", so as to reduce the trouble.

Kk Star Ratings plug-in settings

Plug ins almost need no settings, and are also super simple to use.

The only thing to note is to check "Unique votes (based on IP address)", so that no matter how many times you click on the same IP in a certain time, there is only one star rating opportunity.

Then there is the star display location. You can customize the display location by selecting the top left, top center, top right, bottom left, bottom center, and bottom right.

Other options can be defaulted without changing.

Kk Star Ratings plug-in effect

As shown in the figure below, the display effect of the mouse on it is very eye-catching. It can attract everyone's attention and make star rating for this article.

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Article name: WordPress Star Rating Plug in kk Star Ratings
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24404.html
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