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AliCloud Tencent Cloud entry-level server configuration price comparison and selection in 2021 purchase season

In March 2021, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud both launched a promotional activity for the purchase season in the Spring Festival. It is particularly cost-effective to buy an entry-level server with high cost performance. Wei Aisi's notes compare the configuration and price of entry-level servers in Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud's purchase season activities in this article to help novices, Xiaobai and webmasters choose cloud servers suitable for their own business.

2021 Alibaba Cloud on cloud purchasing season promotional activities

open Main venue of AliCloud procurement season in 2021 Cloud server venue in 2021 cloud purchase season AliCloud Cloud Website Welfare venue for newcomers You can find entry-level ECS exclusive to new and old users.

Configuration: 2-core 2G burst performance instance T686 yuan/year, and then renew 3 times at a discount of 99 yuan/year; One core 2G5M peak bandwidth of lightweight application server is 96 yuan/year, and the preferential price is 96 yuan/year for three renewals.

The configuration of these two entry-level servers can meet the needs of many lightweight websites and website construction. The price is less than 100 yuan, and there are three opportunities for renewal at preferential prices (the original price is 3~5 times). Don't miss it!

2021 Tencent Cloud Spring Purchase Season Preferential Activities

Click to open Tencent Cloud 2021 Spring Purchase Season Activity Page In the section of "Best Buy, Second Kill", we can see that 1 core 2G ECS is 95 yuan/year, 288 yuan/year, and 1 core 2G5M lightweight application server has a peak bandwidth of 95 yuan/year, 288 yuan/year.

The feature of Tencent ECS is that the CPU is 100% available. There is no shared model, but all are exclusive models. Therefore, the overall performance of Tencent ECS should be stronger.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Weiss summary

It can be seen from the above introduction that the entry-level servers of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud participating in the purchase season promotional activities in March 2021 are all priced below 100 yuan, which is more cost-effective than usual prices. Alibaba Cloud 2-core 2G burst performance instance T6 is relatively cheap at only 86 yuan/year, but the CPU has a 20% performance limit; The price of Tencent Cloud 1-core 2G ECS and lightweight application server 1-core 2G5M is 95 yuan/year (288 yuan/3 years).

For short-term use, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are OK; For long-term use, it is recommended to choose Tencent Cloud 3-year 288 yuan ECS, or Alibaba Cloud Server (cheap for renewal later). If you want to try more, you can also change Alibaba Cloud this year, and Tencent Cloud next year.

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Article name: Price Comparison and Selection of Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud Entry level Server Configuration in 2021 Purchase Season
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24305.html
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