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WordPress modular enterprise theme Zing Pro

The Zing Pro theme is a modular WordPress enterprise theme, originally designed by xintheme, which is suitable for building official websites of large, medium and small enterprises. New visual settings, numerous powerful custom modules, and the application of bannaer and modular website building functions on a large scale make it no longer a problem for novices to build enterprise websites. As long as you know the WordPress program a little, you can quickly get started with the Zing Pro theme and build an impressive corporate website.

Zing Pro Theme Official Website

Click to go directly to the theme page View details.

Installation environment requirements PHP 7.3~7.4 and MySQL 5.5~5.6 are recommended;
Pseudo static (fixed link), using Pagoda panel one key setting pseudo static Linux system is recommended for better use experience;
For the sake of website security, stability and speed, Lao Wei recommends choosing Pagoda panel Build a website environment AliCloud server Tencent ECS Deployment theme;
The entry-level host is configured with 1 core 2G memory and 1 M bandwidth. Lao Wei suggested selecting 2 core 4G memory and 1 M bandwidth;
The theme can only be activated when it is accessible through the internet, and the local/intranet server may not be able to activate the authorization;

Zing Pro Theme Features

  • Modular theme: The home module can be opened or closed in free order;
  • Responsive design: adaptive PC, mobile phone, tablet and other devices access;
  • SEO optimization: in terms of website optimization, the theme is well done;
  • Multiple classification page styles: specific styles can be selected when editing classifications;
  • Footer style: add the footer ICP record number and public security record number, or close;
  • Customized website color matching: you can customize your style in the background;
  • Demo data: provide the whole site demo data. After importing, you can get the same website as the demo site;
  • 0 plug-in: theme function can run perfectly without any plug-in;
  • Optional plug-in: Install the WPJAM plug-in The website speed can be further optimized (extremely fast without installation);
  • Object storage: support 7N Cloud storage AliCloud OSS , greatly improving the loading speed of website images;
  • Code without encryption: code without encryption, supporting secondary development of topics,;
  • Database optimization and cleaning: integrate the wp clean up plug-in function to automatically optimize the WordPress database;
  • External chain to internal chain: the simple Urls external chain to internal chain plug-in is integrated, and can be enabled;
  • Sitemap: automatically generate xml files and follow the Sitemap protocol, which is conducive to the quick collection of websites and saves a map plug-in;
  • SMTP mailbox setting: integrate the SMTP sending function, and the mailbox sending function can be realized after simple setting;
  • Multiple thumbnail clipping modes: article thumbnails support timthumb, 7N AliCloud OSS Original drawing;
  • Forbid WP default thumbnail: Forbid generating multiple size thumbnails to save server space;
  • Disable Gutenberg editor: this option can restore the classic editor with one click;
  • Remove superfluous information at the top: remove superfluous information from WordPress Head to improve website security;
  • Remove the category flag: remove the category in the link, which is conducive to SEO optimization;
  • Remove background privacy: delete WordPress background privacy related settings;
  • Gravatar avatar: use the v2ex image service after enabling it (gravatar avatar server is abroad);
  • Rename uploaded pictures: when enabled, the date can be automatically set as the image name to prevent the Chinese image name from being blocked;
  • Do not load language packs in the foreground: it takes 0.1-0.5 seconds to load language packs (if extreme performance is required);
  • Custom add code: add CSS and JS code in the background by customization. You can choose the head or the bottom to save a plug-in;
  • Theme authorization (three sites can be bound): one activation code can be bound to three sites, which can be unbound in the background and recycled after being unbound;
  • Online update: after each online update of the theme, the website background will receive an update push, and the background will update with one button;
  • After sales service: one-on-one guidance. The exclusive after-sales group can provide feedback and bugs, which will be considered for future versions;
  • more Click to go directly to the theme page see.

Zing Pro Theme Preview

The following figure is the screenshot of the main page of the Zing Pro theme. If you want to see the full page, list page and article page, please Click to go directly to the theme page see.

Weiss summary

Zing Pro Theme The modularization of is quite good. Old Wei has seen the background settings. Almost all website settings can be set in WordPress background>Appearance>Customization.

As shown in the figure above, almost all contents of the theme can be set in customization, including website announcements (which can be achieved by plug-ins), header settings (preset many options), home page module (similar to page editor blocks), slides (single or multiple images), company news module, product introduction module, product carousel module, partner module, etc, Article page, footer settings, mobile settings (mobile is very important), customer service tools (save another plug-in), menus, gadgets, website color matching (multiple color matching options).

It can be said that the Zing Pro theme integrates almost the entire website's setting functions in Appearance>Customization, and it is very easy to get started. It is also not difficult for novices and Xiaobai. It needs to learn and master a lot of knowledge to produce these functions in foreign themes. It can be seen that the designer of this theme has a good understanding of users' ideas. Domestic enterprise websites need a grand style, simple layout, and easy to learn and modify. No wonder this theme is popular WordPress Enterprise Theme It is inseparable from its modular design, low threshold, easy to learn and easy to modify.

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Article name: WordPress Modular Enterprise Theme Zing Pro
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24258.html
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