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Answer questions about Elementor Free and Elementor Pro plug-ins

When running Elementor Free and Elementor Pro plug-ins, novices and Xiaobai will ask some questions, such as what is the relationship between the two plug-ins, which one to install first, and whether they should install and run at the same time. Weiss will share and answer relevant questions in this article. If you are interested, you can see what Lao Wei shared Purchase Elementor Pro plug-in and download and install to activate _WordPress page editor

Elementor Page Editor Click me directly The official website of Elementor Pro plug-in is fast and easy to use. Getting Started Click Purchase Elementor Pro plug-in and download and install to activate _WordPress page editor For more Elementor plug-ins, see Elementor Themes
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1. Relationship between Elementor Free plug-in and Elementor Pro plug-in

The Elementor Free plug-in can be found in the WordPress plug-in. It is free to use after installation and enabling. With basic page editor function, it is enough to build a website if the requirements for the webpage are not too special.

The Elementor Pro plug-in can only Click to go directly to the official website of Elementor It is downloaded and used after payment, and provides many advanced functions.

Because of the real-time editing function of the Elementor editor, WYSIWYG is particularly popular among website designers. At present, this real-time page editor is the mainstream trend of WordPress editors. Even the famous Avada theme has designed two editor forms, Avada builder and Avada live. The latter is the real-time page editor.

If you are a free user, you can only use the Elementor Free plug-in; Paying users need to install and enable the Elementor Pro plug-in on this basis.

2. Can I delete the Free plug-in after purchasing and installing the Elementor Pro plug-in

Do not delete free plug-ins. Elementor Pro is a free add-on. Without the Free plug-in, the Elementor Pro plug-in cannot run.

3. If you deactivate or delete the Elementor plug-in, and then reactivate or reinstall it, will the previously designed website content be deleted?

Deleting a plug-in does not affect the work done on the Elementor. Existing data will not be deleted. When you reactivate or reinstall the Elementor plug-in, all design data is still available as before.

However, Lao Wei strongly recommends that users regularly back up the website, and in case of problems, they can also restore the website data from the backup.

4. If the free version is retained and the professional version is deleted, will the content previously designed with Pro function still exist?

If you disable or delete Elementor Pro, the website cannot display the content designed with Elementor Pro before, while the content designed with Elementor Free version is still available. Please do not uninstall the plug-in at will in order not to lose the website design. If you reactivate or reinstall Elementor Pro, the design created with Pro will also be displayed again.

5. What happens if the license is not renewed (not renewed) after expiration? Can Elementor Pro still be used?

After expiration, the Elementor Pro plug-in can no longer be used. The content of the designed website will remain the same and can be accessed normally. However, the Pro plug-in cannot be updated and technical support cannot be obtained in the future.

  • Disabling plug-ins is not the same thing as disabling licenses. Disabling plug-ins means that the website will no longer display the design you created using Pro plug-ins, and the content of the designed website will not be visible.
  • If you only disable the Pro license or do not renew the Pro license, and keep the Pro plug-in in the active state, that is the answer to item 5 above.
  • If you constantly update the Elementor Free version to add new functions, fix errors and solve security problems, the changed code will conflict with the old version of Elementor Pro that has not been updated. cause Elementor Free and Elementor Pro will be incompatible with each other
  • Failure to update the Pro plug-in may lead to vulnerability risk and failure to use new functions.
  • If other plug-ins or WordPress program versions are updated, but Elementor Pro is not updated in time, eventually they will conflict with each other.

Weiss summary

If the requirements for the website are not too high, use Elementor Free The version can handle the website design. If purchased Elementor Pro Plug in It needs to be renewed every year (the same as the purchase price), because the Pro plug-in will continuously update functions, fix security vulnerabilities and errors. If you do not plan to change the website after using the Pro plug-in to design the website, you can not renew the Pro plug-in but keep it active so that the designed content can be displayed normally.

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Article name: Answering Questions about Elementor Free and Elementor Pro Plug ins
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24247.html
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