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The reason why the pagoda panel cannot modify the website theme plug-in and system software and the solution

The pagoda panel is very useful in building a station. Recently, Lao Wei received some Pagoda users cannot modify the website theme plug-in and system software, prompting "the system key directory cannot be written" In fact, this is a security protection measure for the pagoda panel, which is used to protect the server from external tampering. It is also easy to solve.

If you have installed third-party security software, such as security dog, cloud lock, the firewall and system reinforcement of the pagoda, you need to close it first, and then go to install WordPress theme plug-ins and system software. The specific operation method is as follows:

Pagoda Tamper Prevention Procedure

Pagoda website anti tamper program (Pagoda Professional plug-in) and Baota Enterprise Anti tamper Plug in (Pagoda Enterprise Plug in) has similar functions, both of which are tamper resistant and provide the underlying protection for website files.

The pagoda tamper proof program is used to Protect website files from tampering The protection directory of a specific site must be specified in the settings. It can take effect only after it is turned on.

The difference between the two types of plug-ins is that the pagoda website anti tamper program is an event based anti tamper program, while the enterprise level anti tamper plug-in is anti tamper from the system core to provide the underlying protection for website files. It can be understood that the enterprise level anti tamper plug-in has stronger performance and more comprehensive functions.

If you are a Pagoda Professional or Enterprise user and want to install WordPress themes and plug-ins (add, delete, or change website files) one day, you should first turn off the switch of the corresponding site in the anti tamper plug-in, and then go to install it. Remember to turn on the switch after you finish.

 Deployment, setting and use of tower enterprise anti tamper plug-in

Tower System Reinforcement Procedure

Reinforce system files to prevent them from being tampered with and implanted into trojans.

If you want to install and deploy system software, you need to close the pagoda system reinforcement program and open it after installation.

The pagoda anti tamper program and pagoda system reinforcement program are both paid plug-ins, which can be purchased separately. If it is a professional account or an enterprise account, it can be installed and used for free.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

These three plug-ins, including firewalls, can be said to be the necessary security software for Baota paid accounts. With these two, there is no need to install third-party security software such as security dog, cloud lock, etc.

More consideration should be given to the security of website building. There are too many unreasonable attacks and sniffers on the Internet. As long as your website has a public IP address, you will be attacked, which is impossible to prevent.

Weiss summary

In view of the things that should be paid attention to when modifying files in Pagoda Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition, the following points can be summarized:

1. When modifying the website file, you will be prompted that it is not allowed, or the pop-up permission is insufficient, and you will close the security software;

2. If it is not allowed to modify the system file, close the pagoda system reinforcement program;

3. After successful modification, remember to open these security plug-ins and software to continue to protect the website and system security.

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Article name: "The reason why the pagoda panel cannot modify the website theme plug-in and system software and the solution"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24227.html
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