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Alibaba Cloud GPU server details and price list

AliCloud GPU server It has super computing power and can provide elastic cloud computing services based on GPU computing power. The application environment includes deep learning, scientific computing, graphic visualization, and video processing. Effectively relieve the pressure of computing, improve business efficiency, and help improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

AliCloud GPU ECS models include AMD S7150, Nvidia M40, Nvidia P100, Nvidia P4, Nvidia V100, etc.

If you have passed the AliCloud student certification, please go to AliCloud scientific research acceleration plan activity page For free AliCloud 4-core CPU 36G memory 3M bandwidth GPU server, personal authentication users and enterprise authentication users (non student authentication), please go to AliCloud GPU ECS product page View all specifications, configurations, and prices.

Alibaba Cloud GPU server price list

AliCloud GPU servers provide multiple configurations and corresponding different price lists. Because there are many configurations, the following is a brief list of computing GPUs for reference:

  • GPU ECS gn6v: Up to 8 NVIDIA 16G video memory V100 computing cards and 336G DDR4 memory are configured;
  • GPU ECS gn6e: Up to 8 NVIDIA 32G video memory V100 computing cards and 736G DDR4 memory are configured;
  • GPU ECS gn6i: Up to four NVIDIA 16G video memory T4 computing cards and 372G DDR4 memory can be configured;
  • GPU ECS gn5: A maximum of 8 NVIDIA 16G video storage P100 computing cards and high-performance NVMe SSD local disks can be configured;
  • GPU ECS gn5i: up to two NVIDIA 8G video memory P4 computing cards, 224G DDR4 memory;
  • In addition, it also includes elastic bare metal GPU, lightweight GPU, supercomputing cluster GPU, and 800 NPU with light;
  • For more detailed price list, please see GPU ECS details page
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Article name: Alibaba Cloud GPU Server Details and Price List
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24109.html
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