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Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server 1 core 2G memory 5M bandwidth 86 yuan/year Alibaba Cloud Server Spring Festival special

AliCloud Cloud Website You can buy at a very low price after receiving the coupon Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server One core 2G lightweight application server, configured with 5M peak bandwidth, 40GB SSD cloud disk, 1000G traffic package, and the post price of cloud ticket is 96 yuan/year (57 yuan/half a year, 28.5 yuan/three months). In January 2021, new Alibaba Cloud users who enter the cloud kiosk will get a free 10 yuan voucher to purchase this lightweight application server, After sale price: 86 yuan/year (47 yuan/half a year, 18.5 yuan/three months).

Activity page: Click me directly

Time: from now to January 31, 2021

Activity characteristics: This is an exclusive subsidy provided by Alibaba Cloud for developers' growth plans. Alibaba Cloud's lightweight application server has eight mainstream application building environments, including WordPress, Nod.js, ECShop, phpwind, ASP.NET, Drupal, BT Panel, LAMP, etc. If you want to build this kind of web service, you can choose Alibaba Cloud's lightweight application server.

Activity requirements: You can only purchase lightweight application servers in the "New User Preferences for Cloud Sites" on AliCloud Cloud Websites to enjoy the post coupon price.

Alibaba Cloud Spring Festival Special Participation Steps

1、 Click to enter AliCloud Cloud Website , log in to an AliCloud account first, and register one without an account. Click in the limited coupon of Yunxiaozhan to get a ¥ 10 lightweight application server voucher.

 AliCloud Cloud Xiaozhan coupon collection
AliCloud Cloud Xiaozhan coupon collection

2. Find a 1-core 2G lightweight application server in the "Special offer for new users of cloud kiosks" area below, select the purchase duration (1 year/half a year/3 months), click Buy Now, and then pay according to the page prompts.

 Alibaba Cloud uses lightweight application server, one core, 2G memory, 5M bandwidth, 86 yuan/year
Alibaba Cloud uses lightweight application server, one core, 2G memory, 5M bandwidth, 86 yuan/year

3. Choose this lightweight application server Another advantage is that you can renew three times at a discount, and the renewal price is 96 yuan/year for the cloud station Old Wei saw that the renewal price of old users is 1479 yuan, so don't miss this opportunity if you are interested!

4. Get a 10 yuan voucher first, and then purchase a lightweight application server to deduct successfully. Lao Wei reminded everyone to check whether the 10 yuan voucher was deducted before payment. After the voucher was successfully deducted, the price of the lightweight application server was reduced to 86 yuan/year (47 yuan/half a year, 18.5 yuan/three months).

Lao Wei's comments

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server is an exclusive server. Its comprehensive performance is better than that of the burst performance instance t5 and shared s6 at the same price. It is also an advantage of lightweight application server. Not to mention the price of 5M peak bandwidth is extremely expensive, which is a free gift. The activity lasts for only one month, and can be renewed at a discount, so interested webmasters or friends who use it to practice must not miss this once-in-a-lifetime Alibaba Cloud Server Spring Festival Special The opportunity has come.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Lightweight Application Server 1-core 2G memory 5M bandwidth 86 yuan/year Alibaba Cloud Server Spring Festival special
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23872.html
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