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WP Last Modified Info Plug in Details _WordPress Displays the last modification or update time

WP Last Modified Info plug-in It is a WordPress plug-in to modify the update time of articles/pages. This plug-in will insert the time record of the latest update in WordPress articles (including custom article types) and pages. Provide manually inserted short code, and automatically add the "dateModified" tag in WordPress articles. In this way, the last modification time of articles or pages will be informed to search engines.

WordPress stores the release date and modification date of each article/page. By default, when you update an article, the release date will be displayed instead of the update date. This is not suitable for most blogs and static websites. The release time in Google search results is also a display content. In order to let visitors get the latest version of the article, Lao Wei suggested using the latest update date to display it. Google or other search engines will display the date in the summary of search results. Using the update time function in the blog will help to improve the site click rate (CTR).

 WP Last Modified Info Plug in Details _WordPress Displays the last modification or update time

WP Last Modified Info plug-in

There are many ways to display the latest updated date. If you have strong hands-on skills, you can use code to solve the problem. Using plug-ins is the simplest and fastest method in WordPress. The WP Last Modified Info plug-in can help display the modified date in the website article/page.

WP Last Modified Info Plug in Installation

In Wordpress Dashboard Plug in>Install Plug in, search WP Last Modified Info to find it, as shown in the following figure.

Install and enable it.

 WP Last Modified Info Plug in Installation

WP Last Modified Info Plug in Installation

If the startup fails, it is estimated that your server is located in China, or you can go to WordPress to download the official plug-in and manually upload it to the website/wp content/plugins/directory. Either install one The wp china yes plug-in solves the problem

WP Last Modified Info plug-in specific settings

1. After enabling, you can enter the plug-in setting page in WordPress Dashboard>Settings>WP Last Modified Info.

Plug ins are all in English, and can be used if you don't understand them Google browser translation function Used together. There will be some deviation in the translation result, and you can understand it by combining Chinese and English.

2. As shown in the figure below, first make sure that enabling this switch in the front end is on (red off, green on), otherwise the plug-in will not take effect.

  • Display method of the last modified information: select the display position of the "last modified time" in the article. Generally, we will use the pre content or replace the publishing time by default. In special cases, you may choose to insert a simplified code;
  • Last modified information format: set date/time format;
  • Date and time format of the last modified information: select the format of MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY;
  • Publishing time and modification interval: Sometimes you just want to display the last modification date (not the publishing date). The same default release date and modification date will cause both to be displayed. The solution is to set the time difference (for example, one day, i.e. 24 hours);
  • Display the last modified author name: default author or user-defined author;
  • Disable output on these files: plug-ins do not take effect on these pages;
  • HTML template displayed in the article: change it if you have strong hands-on ability;
  • Article types are used to display modified information: in which article types you want to use the "last modification time" function, such as articles, pages, custom articles, etc;
 WP Last Modified Info Plug in Publishing Options

WP Last Modified Info Plug in Publishing Options

3. Template Label

If your current theme is supported by the WP Last Modified Info plug-in, you will be relieved.

  • Enable GeneratePress theme support: as shown in the figure below, directly select Replace Publishing Metadata, and the previous publishing options will be hidden (no need to set). In this way, the foreground page will see Last updated on X month X year;
  • GeneratePress theme template type: the default is "Custom Template", and the optional is "Display Modification Date". The difference is that the former displays the last update form of the previous line, and the latter directly displays the time. Lao Wei prefers the former, with clear expression, and search engines like it;
  • Other settings are exactly the same as the "Publish Options" settings in the previous 1;
  • The above is automatically set by the plug-in after using the GeneratePress theme. It seems that this plug-in seamlessly supports many foreign themes, and is compatible with Genesis and Divi themes, which eliminates the trouble of setting, and has a more accurate expression form;
 WP Last Modified Info Plug in Template Label

WP Last Modified Info Plug in Template Label

4. Architecture Diagram

  • If you want to display information such as the last modification time of the article to major search engines, set and select the JSON-LD mode tag here.
  • Default mode: manually add article types that support displaying the last modified date, such as articles, pages, user-defined articles, etc.;
  • Inline mode: If your website theme does not support schema tags, you should enable enhanced mode. If Google has detected it, it does not need to be enabled;
  • Compatibility mode: This option is used by SEO plug-ins. In this mode, the release date in the SEO plug-in will be converted to the modification date. Passed the test of Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO and many other plug-ins;
  • Disable schema tag: this function is not recommended;
 WP Last Modified Info Plug in Architecture Diagram

WP Last Modified Info Plug in Architecture Diagram

5. Notification

This is for the webmaster to enable and release the update notice. Because most of our websites are managed by one person, it is unnecessary to open them. In fact, only one administrator with the highest authority can use this plug-in for multiple users, and it is not necessary to open it.

6. Miscellaneous/Tools

  • Change or delete the publishing date and time: by default, nothing is done. You can change it to modify the date or hide it from the search engine. Old Wei thought that it would be more appropriate to change the date to the revision date;
  • Custom CSS code: If you like to customize the display style, you can manually add CSS here;
  • Don't touch other options if you don't understand them;

Use of WP Last Modified Info plug-in

You can see the list of the latest updated articles on the WordPress home page. Articles>All Articles Quickly edit an article. You can modify it when you see the release time and update time. On the article editing page and the publishing column, there is an additional modification option, including date and time, which can be edited manually.

 Use of WP Last Modified Info plug-in

Use of WP Last Modified Info plug-in

WP Last Modified Info plug-in effect display

The following figure shows the last modification time of the article page after the use of the WP Last Modified Info plug-in. You can also manually modify the HTML template of the template tag above to make the plug-in support Chinese display.

 WP Last Modified Info plug-in effect display

WP Last Modified Info plug-in effect display

Lao Wei's summary

WP Last Modified Info plug-in Its core function is to provide the last modification/update information about the date and author in the article/page/custom article. It is very convenient to set. If you use the theme supported by the plug-in, it is easier to set. This plug-in is very friendly to the optimization of Google search results display, and can also help to improve the website's attention and click rate.

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Article name: WP Last Modified Info Plug in Details WordPress Display Last Modification or Update Time
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23813.html
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