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Bufet multi concept software and app landing them_WordPress limited time free theme

Bufet Theme It is a common wordpress theme for multi concept software and app landing pages, and will be available for free download in the theme forest of themeforest in January 2021. WordPress limited time free theme It is a free download policy regularly launched by the theme forest, aiming to vigorously promote the wordpress theme, so that more people can enjoy the convenience and fun of wordpress website establishment.

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 Bufet multi concept software and app landing theme
Bufet multi concept software and app landing theme

Bufet Theme Features

Bufet theme is a powerful responsive software and app landing page WordPress theme. It has 100% response speed, and has powerful functions in all types of applications, Saas (software as a service), startup, management dashboard, technology entrepreneur business, etc. Bufet responsive software and app landing page WordPress theme combine modern, classic, elegant style, and have better user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) creativity and concise style. Bufet is an ideal choice for software websites.

For more functions, see Bufet Topic Details Page

Bufet theme function

  • 8 different page layouts
  • Effective HTML5 and CSS3, clean and professional code, easy to customize;
  • Free drag and drop page builder
  • Unique modern creative design
  • W3c verifier
  • Perfect pixel design
  • Built based on Bootstrap
  • Comprehensive response
  • Cross browser optimization
  • Free Google fonts and icons
  • For more functions, see Bufet topic detailed introduction page
 Bufet Theme Display Page
Bufet Theme Display Page

As shown in the figure above, the mobile app, Saas, and software landing pages are displayed. Because they are all virtual software pages, vector maps are used in a large area, providing eight different styles of demo displays, including one column, two column, and three column blog post layouts, which are really suitable for software websites. Download address Click me directly If you need wordpress software or app website, you can use it Bufet Theme , provided by the theme forest WordPress limited time free theme Download for use. Old Wei feels that it is also possible to extend Bufet theme to seo theme, which is also a virtual product like software.

Because the theme forest takes a long time to download the theme abroad and is easy to be disconnected, Lao Wei downloaded this free theme for everyone to learn and test. The access method is on the right side of the page+WeChat official account, and you can find it by replying to bufet.

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Article name: Bufet Multi Concept Software and App Landing Theme_WordPress Time Limited Free Themes
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23706.html
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