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What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud's computing C6 and computing C6a servers and how to choose them?

Alibaba Cloud computing c6 server It is an Intel processor ECS, Alibaba Cloud computing c6a server It is the cloud server of AMD processor. Wei also just found that Alibaba Cloud also has an AMD CPU ECS model, which may be due to lack of publicity. In short, the difference between the two models is quite big because of the different processors.

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud computing c6 performance configuration

  • Rely on the DPCA architecture, unload a large number of virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, reduce virtualization overhead, and provide stable and predictable ultra-high performance;
  • CPU:Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269CY (Cascade Lake) processor, with the main frequency of 2.5 GHz and Rui frequency of 3.2 GHz, has stable computing performance;
  • I/O optimization instance;
  • Support ESSD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk;
  • Support enabling or disabling hyper threading configuration;
  • The ratio of processor and memory is 1:2;
  • Ultra high network PPS receiving and contracting capacity;

Use scenarios:

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc;
  • Web front-end server;
  • MMO front-end;
  • Data analysis, batch calculation, video coding;
  • High performance scientific and engineering applications;
  • See more Help Document>Instance>Instance Type Family

Alibaba Cloud computing c6 is suitable for enterprise business, medium and large business operations. Use of personal blogs and small websites Alibaba Cloud shared s6 That's all right.

Alibaba Cloud Computing c6a Performance Configuration Introduction

  • Rely on the DPCA architecture, unload a large number of virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, reduce virtualization overhead, and provide stable and predictable ultra-high performance;
  • CPU: AMD EPYCTM ROME processor, main frequency 2.6 GHz, Rui frequency 3.3 GHz, stable computing performance;
  • The ratio of processor and memory is 1:2;
  • Support enabling or disabling hyper threading configuration;
  • I/O optimization instance;
  • Support ESSD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk;
  • Ultra high network PPS receiving and contracting capacity;

Applicable scenarios:

Alibaba Cloud computing c6a is also suitable for enterprises and medium and large businesses.

Alibaba Cloud Computing c6 and Alibaba Cloud Computing c6a

Performance: The CPU frequency is almost the same, and the overall performance is similar. Maybe many novices and Xiaobai are hesitant to choose Intel processor or AMD processor. In actual use, the comprehensive performance of AMD processor will be better. Many users still believe that the stability of Intel platform is better than that of AMD platform. Actually, what Lao Wei shared before Tencent Cloud Xingxing Sea sa2 It is also an AMD processor model, which has been used in WeChat, QQ, Tencent advertising, Tencent conferences and other home products. After a long time and a large area of use, it is very stable.

Price: Alibaba Cloud computing c6 often appears in various Alibaba Cloud activities, which are cheap; Alibaba Cloud computing c6a rarely appears in activities. If you are interested, you can Click me to get it Go after the voucher Purchase on official page , which can save a part of the cost of going to the cloud.

Alibaba Cloud computing c6a server It is an AMD processor server. It is not cheap because it seldom participates in activities. So Lao Wei suggested choosing Alibaba Cloud computing c6 server When the performance is basically the same, which one is cheaper to use.

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Article name: What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud's computing C6 and computing C6a servers and how to choose them
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23694.html
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