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What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud ECS computing C6 and C6E servers?

Alibaba Cloud ECS Computing C6 and Alibaba Cloud computing c6e All servers belong to a kind of computing server. Computational c6 provides better computational capabilities, while c6e provides stable and predictable storage, network performance, and computing stability by order of magnitude. The two are quite different in terms of performance.

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Alibaba Cloud ECS Computing C6 Performance and Configuration

  • Rely on the DPCA architecture, unload a large number of virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, reduce virtualization overhead, and provide stable and predictable ultra-high performance;
  • I/O optimization instance;
  • Support ESSD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk;
  • The ratio of processor and memory is 1:2;
  • Ultra high network PPS receiving and contracting capacity;
  • CPU:Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269CY (Cascade Lake), 2.5 GHz, 3.2 GHz, and stable computing performance;
  • For more information, see Help Document>Instance Type>Computational c6

Applicable scenarios:

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc;
  • Web front-end server;
  • MMO front-end;
  • Data analysis, batch calculation, video coding;
  • High performance scientific and engineering applications;

Alibaba Cloud ECS Computational C6E Performance and Configuration

  • Rely on the third-generation DPCA architecture, unload a large number of virtualization functions to dedicated hardware, reduce virtualization overhead, and provide stable and predictable ultra-high performance. At the same time, the storage, network performance and computing stability are improved by the order of magnitude through chip fast path acceleration;
  • I/O optimization instance;
  • Only ESSD cloud disks are supported;
  • CPU:Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269 (Cascade), 2.5 GHz main frequency, 3.2 GHz Rui frequency, stable computing performance;
  • Reference for more information Help Document>Instance Type>Computational c6e

Applicable scenarios:

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc;
  • Web front-end server;
  • MMO front-end;
  • Data analysis, batch calculation, video coding;
  • High performance scientific and engineering applications;

The CPU performance and Remax of Alibaba Cloud computing c6e are relatively strong, and through chip fast path acceleration, the server performance can be improved by an order of magnitude.

Alibaba Cloud ECS Computing C6 and Computing C6E Differences and Choices

Alibaba Cloud computing c6 and computing c6e are both super powerful server models based on the DPCA architecture. The computing c6e has stronger CPU performance, and its fast chip acceleration also significantly improves the server performance.

Alibaba Cloud computing c6 is commonly used in various promotional activities, such as AliCloud Cloud Website You can often see the activity page. Generally speaking, it is a computing server host that can be more powerful, and is suitable for enterprise business and medium and large business scenarios. Personal blog can also be used, but it will waste resources, you can choose Alibaba Cloud shared s6 That's enough.

Alibaba Cloud computing c6e is still rare. It only occasionally appears in Alibaba Cloud Double 11 and Double 12 events, and it is also placed in a corner of the event venue. Normal purchase can be made by Get AliCloud vouchers , and Enter the AliCloud server purchase page To purchase. In the era of payment, vouchers can be used to save money and save cloud costs.

Lao Wei's comments

Usually choose enterprise websites, large and medium-sized web servers, applets, apps and other servers Alibaba Cloud computing c6 That's enough.

Choose a large business like the one mentioned above Alibaba Cloud computing c6e This model is not considered for most common businesses. It will increase operating costs and waste a lot of resources.

Of course, you have encountered difficulties in selecting AliCloud servers. If you don't know how to make a choice, you can also add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page. Lao Wei's years of experience in using AliCloud servers will help you.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud ECS Computing C6 and C6E Server: What's the Difference and Which is the Best Choice
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23644.html
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