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Difference and selection between Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 and Alibaba Cloud burst performance t6 server

Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 server And Alibaba Cloud burst performance t6 server There are great differences, mainly reflected in the performance of the models. Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 server is an exclusive server, and users can use 100% CPU performance for a long time; However, Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 belongs to a shared server. The CPU utilization rate is limited to a maximum of 40%, which can be accelerated suddenly, but is limited by CPU points. The CPU utilization mentioned above is the biggest difference between the two. Now, Lao Wei will analyze more differences between the two in detail to help novices and Xiaobai find out which ECS models are suitable for their own business.

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Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 server

Also known as standard sa2 server, it is based on Tencent Cloud Self researched Xingxinghai Server, providing reliable, safe and stable high performance. "A" stands for AMD processor, which is also one of the standard models.

Click me directly Xingxinghai SA2 ECS page

  • CPU: new generation AMD EPYC ROME new processor, main frequency 2.6GHz, Remax 3.3GHz;
  • Memory: the latest generation of eight channel DDR4 memory, with stable computing performance;
  • Network: default network optimization;
  • Intranet bandwidth: the maximum network receiving and sending capacity reaches 25Gbps, meeting the extremely high demand for intranet transmission;
  • For more details, click Tencent Cloud Document>ECS>Instance Type

Lao Wei Comments: Standard SA2 Server( Click me directly to the activity page )After the long-term use test of Tencent Cloud's own products, the performance is super strong. WeChat, QQ, Tencent Conference, Tencent Advertising, etc. have all been migrated to the standard SA2 server. Tencent dares to use its own products to illustrate the comprehensive performance of this model is excellent.

Related content: Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 Cloud Server Details _ Tencent Self research Xingxinghai SA2 Server

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 AliCloud shared s6 models have excellent performance and higher cost performance

Alibaba Cloud Burst Performance Instance t6 Server Introduction

Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 belongs to the new generation DPCA architecture and needs Click me directly On the AliCloud server purchase page, click "Buy Now" to enter the configuration page, and then click "Custom Purchase" at the top. After entering t6 search below, you will see all models and configurations that support t6.

Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan coupon is applicable to more than 100 AliCloud products, helping users reduce the cost of cloud.

Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 features

  • The cost performance ratio of burst performance t5 is further improved;
  • CJPU uses the latest generation Intel with 2.5 GHz main frequency ® Xeon ® server level Cascade Lake processor, Remax 3.2 GHz;
  • With DDR4 memory;
  • Support ESSD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk;

In general, t6 still follows the shared server model of t5. By limiting the proportion of CPU used, it meets the needs of entry-level business use and achieves the goal of low cost and energy conservation.

For more information, see ECS Server Help Document>Instance>Instance Type Family

The difference between Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 and Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6

  • CPU: Tencent Cloud SA2 is an AMD processor, and Alibaba Cloud t6 uses an Inetl processor. In terms of dominant frequency and Ruipin, Tencent Cloud SA2 is slightly higher, but the gap is not large;
  • Memory: Tencent Cloud SA2 uses the latest generation eight channel DDR4 memory, with stable computing performance. There is a gap between the read and write speed of Alibaba Cloud t6 and DDR4 memory;
  • Price: Tencent Cloud SA2( Click me directly )There is not much difference with Alibaba Cloud t6. Most of the time, Tencent Cloud SA2 is cheap;
  • In other aspects, the two are basically equal signs, and there are some that should be;

Lao Wei's summary

Through the above comparison and analysis, we believe that Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 and Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 I have a certain understanding of their respective characteristics. From the perspective of hardware configuration, there are some differences between the two. Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 has stronger comprehensive performance. The price also has an advantage. After all, it is appropriate to spend the same amount of money on an exclusive server.

In response to market competition Alibaba Cloud shared s6 server (CPU restriction is cancelled), which is often seen in various Alibaba Cloud promotional activities. Lao Wei shared the comparison between the two Difference and selection of Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 Alibaba Cloud shared S6

Click me directly AliCloud shared S6 is the first choice if the price gap is small compared with Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai sa2 Tencent Cloud Standard SA2 Server

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Article name: Difference and Selection of Tencent Cloud Xingxinghai SA2 and Alibaba Cloud Burst Performance t6 Server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23510.html
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