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How many cores and gigabytes is appropriate for WordPress website server?

WordPress website server selects several cores and gigabytes Is it suitable? This is the question Lao Wei is often asked. With the growing popularity of wordpress in China, cloud computing cloud servers are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Many novices and Xiaobai plan to deploy wordpress websites, including personal blogs, enterprise websites, applet websites, online e-commerce websites, foreign trade websites, and many other types. After selecting the website building program, they encountered difficulties in selecting the website server. Take Alibaba Cloud ECS as an example. Because I have never contacted WordPress before, I don't know whether to choose a virtual host or an ECS. Alibaba Cloud shared s6 or Alibaba Cloud computing c5/c6 should be purchased for ECS. Further problems include bandwidth, operating system, and region. Today, Lao Wei answers these questions in detail based on the questions of these novices and Xiaobai.

How to select servers and virtual hosts?

It is Lao Wei's consistent view that ECS is the first choice in China. There are many restrictions on domestic virtual hosts and few simple functions in the background. For example, the file size commonly used in our website building is limited to less than 10M and cannot be modified. This has caused a lot of trouble for the construction of the website. We have wasted a lot of time and energy on these problems and cannot focus on the construction of the website.

Alibaba Cloud ECS s6 is an ECS, and the settings of environment software parameters can be modified as needed. With the help of one click deployment tools such as the pagoda panel and the lnmp environment package, the threshold for server building is reduced to a level where beginners can easily start. It is often easier to get started than a virtual host.

Extended reading: How to choose a server for beginners - A tutorial on building wordpress with zero infrastructure

How to select a host for overseas wordpress website establishment?

The comprehensive performance and configuration of foreign virtual hosts are better than that of domestic ones. For example, siteground is a virtual host officially recommended by Wordpress, and is a perfect match for Wordpress. Old Wei found that the speed and stability of the wordpress website of the siteground virtual host are first-rate, and the scores of foreign testing websites are also very high. If you plan to run a foreign trade website for a long time, old Wei strongly recommends choosing the siteground virtual host.

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Suggested choice of foreign trade website SiteGround virtual host SiteGround virtual host is the host officially recommended by WordPress, which is a perfect match with WordPress. The WordPress website on the Siteground virtual host has excellent speed and stability, and has been highly evaluated on foreign test websites.
About SiteGround: SiteGround Theme

WordPress website building and server selection

The WordPress program accounts for about 30% of the website programs in the world, which is a real popular program for building websites. Wordpress does not have high requirements for the website server. The built-in default theme can easily run on 1 core 1GB memory. If it is an avada theme, it needs to run on 2-core 4G memory. Therefore, the wordpress program needs to select the server configuration according to the actual use.

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How to select bandwidth, operating system and region

Bandwidth: The default 1M of domestic servers can meet the normal access needs. With CDN acceleration, it can break the bandwidth constraints and make access faster;

Operating system: It can be replaced later in the domestic region. Don't worry about choosing the wrong one when purchasing. Lao Wei suggested choosing the highest version of Alibaba Cloud Centos, whose security and stability can meet the needs of building a website. Unless required by remote desktop, Lao Wei does not recommend building a wordpress website on Windows. Outside the mainland (including Hong Kong, China), you can only choose the operating system when you buy it, and you can't change it later. This is something that novices and Xiaobai should pay attention to;

Region: select the region closest to the user. In this way, users can get the fastest access speed and experience. For domestic regions, as long as you visit any domestic computer room in China, it is very fast, and there is no difference;

Extended reading: How to select ECS operating system/bandwidth/regional node?

How to select multiple regions when purchasing AliCloud servers

How to select Tencent ECS region? Tencent cloud available region selection

Why are the prices of servers in different regions of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud different? How to choose?

How to choose Taoke website server configuration/region

Lao Wei's summary

WordPress website server selects several cores and gigabytes The initial configuration is 1-core 2G, and the foreign theme and enterprise website are 2-core 4G and higher. The highest version of Centos is selected as the operating system, the bandwidth is selected according to the actual situation, and the region is close to the user. In general, this is the case. In fact, the actual situation of each business is different, resulting in a wide range of server choices, all based on business needs. If you have any questions, you can add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page to help you choose a more suitable server configuration.

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Article name: How many cores and gigabytes are appropriate for WordPress website server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23359.html
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