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2020 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Best Buy Special 1 core 2G5M 114 yuan/year 2 core 4G 301 yuan/year 2 core 8G 416 yuan/year

The 2020 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Best Buy special event began. This event introduced cost-effective ECS feedback to support Alibaba Cloud users as always. Let's talk about the server models, configurations and details of this Double 12 event.

 2020 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Activities
2020 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Activities

Get exclusive vouchers for free

Exclusive vouchers for cloud kiosks, Click me to get it in limited time

Including 100 yuan cloud product general voucher, which can be used by two users:

  • The first purchase and use of new users is valid for 30 days;
  • Repurchase+upgrade for old users, valid for 5 days;
  • Database general vouchers include 50 yuan and 100 yuan, valid for 30 days, and can be purchased again+upgraded;

Double 12 Efficient Cloud Launch – New User Zone

Meet all kinds of business needs, and provide efficient cloud exclusive discounts.

  • Lightweight application server, 1 core, 2G memory, 5M bandwidth, 114 yuan/year. Built in 8 mainstream environments, such as WordPress, to easily meet the learning and application scenarios;
  • ECS shared s6, including 2-core 4G, 301 yuan/year, 848 yuan/year, is the latest generation product with strong performance and is widely applicable to lightweight applications such as website construction;
  • 2-core 8G, 417 yuan/year, 1172 yuan/year;
  • The domestic SMS package is 5000 pieces, 180 yuan, 15000 pieces, 50000 pieces, 200000 pieces. The more the number, the more preferential;
  • Click me to check the details

Extended reading: What is Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server? What are the characteristics? Is it worth buying?

Alibaba Cloud shared standard S6 server CPU memory performance configuration details and selection

Double 12 Cloud Products - New User Zone

Exclusive double 12 discount for new users.

ECS shared s6, the latest generation product, has strong performance and is widely applicable to lightweight applications such as website building

In addition, there are cloud products such as OSS for object storage, VOD traffic package, CDN/whole station acceleration traffic package launched by the old user zone.

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Article name: 2020 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Best Buy Special 1 core 2G5M 114 yuan/year 2 core 4G 301 yuan/year 2 core 8G 416 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/23280.html
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